Chapter 21: "Never Fails"

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(Charlotte's POV:)

I shake slightly as the tears fall down my cheeks, I've always cried when I have been shouted at and this is certainly no exception. Brook momentarily leaves me to grab the box of tissues resting just by the door.

"What did he say?" He asks gently as he sits back down next to me. I take the box and pull one out, I start to speak as I'm dabbing the tissue onto my cheeks and eyes.

"Well at first he thought that I would just tell one of the directors or something but I told him I couldn't of course so he raised his voice and thought that I was joking, so I raised my voice back and asked if what he wanted me to do was quit and he said that he didn't care if it was my debut." My voice cracks towards the end as the scene replays in my mind.

Brook huge me again before saying the one thing he knew would make feel better. "How about I turn on the tv, get some popcorn and we can watch Funny Girl, that never fails to cheer you up!" I smile slightly at the mention of the movie, there has been countless times one of the boys have walked in on me singing along to Don't rain on my parade.

He looks at me and smiles obviously pleased with himself that he got me to smile. "I'm going to get some popcorn, and a couple drinks you can lock the door while I'm gone so you get no unwanted visitors." I know and follow him to the door locking it behind him when he is gone.

I wait a few minutes before Brook announces that he is back but then Pandemonium walks in after him and locks the door. She puts the bowl of popcorn and her mug down before hugging me tightly "Brook told me to come, let's cheer you up!".

We squeeze into the bed and get the movie up before sorting out snacks and drink placement.

Two hours and twenty minutes later, and after many toilet breaks and snack/drink refills the movie is finally finished and Brook is snoring on one side of me and Pan is practically drooling on the other.

I carefully reach for the remote and then off the tv off before moving onto my side and closing my eyes.

(The next day, Rye's POV:)

I hadn't managed to sleep a wink last night, I felt so horrible and stupid for the things that I had said during the argument.

I look at my phone to see that it was 6:30 am, I know that there is no chance of getting to sleep now so I get up and make Charlotte's favourite breakfast meal - American pancakes. Once I'm finished I take honey out if the cupboard, lemon juice out from the fridge and I get out one of Charlotte's many musical theatre mugs.

She buys a mug from every musical she goes to see, it takes up a bit of room but one the bright side we never run out of mugs!

(A/N: true fact, I do actually collect mugs from MT shows, I also keep my tickets! Also a couple years ago my mum smashed my Hairspray mug and sadly I haven't seen Hairspray since but I'm trying to get one and I think its needless to say, I'm still very salty about it 😂 oh and the drink that is about to be made is really nice!)

I boil the kettle and measure out how much water fills the mug before pouring it into a jug. I grab a spoon and dip it into the water before taking a spoonful and a half of honey from the jar and mixing it into the water. Once it is dissolved I put a few splashes of lemon juice in and stir once more before pouring it into the mug.

Charlotte drinks a hot honey and lemon every day before she goes out, she says that it is good for your vocal chords. (A/A: It is!) I have seen her make it enough times that I now know how to make it myself.

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