Chapter 7: "Duffman"

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(Charlotte's POV:)

It had been another week and the day had finally come, finally I'm going to be going on a date with Rye, tonight. I only have two hours to hours left and I hadn't been able to wipe the smile off my face all day. Of course because I had asked the boys if I could have a friend over to help me get ready, and they had said yes!

I am sat downstairs in a chair watching Stranger Things for about the fifth time when the ding dong of the doorbell sounded. A grin fills my face and I stand up yo get the door, but it seems like I wasn't the only one  to hear it.

By the time I get there Jack and the redhead seemed to be in deep conversation, doesn't really shock me though, Jack is definitely her type. So I walk up behind her and engulf her in a big hug as I scream in her ear "PAN!!!". She jumps and shouts "Oh cheese biscuits!" Jack and I laugh at her strange choice of words as she playfully hits me over the head with her hand. "didn't even give me a chance to introduce myself" she pouts with a tut as she tries to act annoying at me. "oh yeah, well, Jack this is Pandemonium, Pan for short, Pan this is Jack, or as I like to call him "Duffman!" I say enthusiastically as the dark haired boy grits his teeth at the nickname.

"Well it is great to meet you Duffman" she teased with a wink, not seeming to notice the blush creep into his face. "But I better be getting this one ready for her date!" she finishes before grabbing my hand and dragging me away only letting go once we were at the top to flash Jack another smile and a quick finger- wiggle wave.

I lead the way to the room I had been staying in, I hadn't told the boys yet but had spoken to Blair and my parents about it and if all goes well over the next week I am going to move in,  so at this rate I could practically call it my room. I had already filled Pandemonium in on everything that has happened since the concert, so she already knew a but about the boys. "You didn't tell me Jack was hot" she says seeming confident to talk about the subject, she was always the one to just ask boys out if she liked them, and she didn't even give a flying suck if anyone judged her for who she liked.

"ooh, got a crush have we" I smile as she actually blushed a blight shade of red almost as red as her fiery hair "awwh your blushing, but don't worry I can tell he likes you too".

We talk ad we get my outfit sorted out and we sing along to my playlist of pop-punk music, screaming the lyrics of 'Jamie All Over by Mayday Parade' when it came on as she does my hair and make up. We are finally finished after one hour and three quarters, has  amd make up completed and dress and shoes on.

"I love it Pan,you really can work wonders" I praise as I pull her in for a hug, burying my face into her neck, I may be almost a whole year older than her but she was still a giant compared to me

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"I love it Pan,you really can work wonders" I praise as I pull her in for a hug, burying my face into her neck, I may be almost a whole year older than her but she was still a giant compared to me. She pushes me away gently "hun your gonna ruin your makeup,  ooooh you have to introduce me to the other boys, let's go down and say hi" she beamed hopping out of the room and down the stairs.

I walk into the room first On following close behind "Well guys this is my friend Pandemonium, Pan for short" the boys all smile at her, Jacks smile is noticeably largest. "Pan this is Andy, aka Fovvs, Brooklyn, aka Gibson, Gibs or my personal favourite Gibbonhead or you could just call him Brook. Then we have Sonny, well his real name is actually Ryan but he changed his name for the band cause of course we already have Rye. Speaking of Rye is he still at the shops?" I ask.

"He actually got back about ten minutes ago, he went straight to his room to get changed" Andy tells me and I reply with a quick nod. "And of course you have already met this little Irish bean" I finish shooting her a wink.

I am about to start a new conversation but a voice from behind me cuts me off "Hey, mind if I cut in" Rye says, the smirk clear in his voice. He comes to stand between On and I putting one arm around my shoulders and pulling me in slightly.

Rye's outfit

Pan turns to him smiling "You must be Rye then, I'm Pandemonium, but feel free to call me Pan" she shakes his as he returns the favor telling her that it was nice to meet her too

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Pan turns to him smiling "You must be Rye then, I'm Pandemonium, but feel free to call me Pan" she shakes his as he returns the favor telling her that it was nice to meet her too.

"Well we shouldn't keep you much longer, you two should be going and I guess I should be getting off too, don't want to pressure you guys into hanging out with me" she says frowning at the part about her leaving.

Jack seemed not to keen on the idea of her going either as barely a second after she ends her sentence he blurts out "You could always stay here for the night Pan" her face lights up again at the very thought of it "really" she asked happily. "Yeah! It would be cool to get to know you" Sonny chips in only  earning himself a glare from Jack "Alright lover boy, cool it" Andy laughs under his breath making eye contact with me and smirking when he hears my dreadful attempt at stifling a laugh.

I say my goodbyes to everyone for the night as I don't  know what time we would be back.  I then turn and make my way towards the door, Rye intertwines out singers causing me to go a light pink.

(Rye's POV:)

I feel her hand go clammy as I take it in mine and I couldn't hold back my smirk. I open both the front and car door for her before hopping in myself.

We arrive at the restaurant after a ten minute drive of comfortable silence. A soft smile appears on her dark coloured lips when she sees where we are, making her look breathtakingly gorgeous in the moonlight.

I have brought us to a special restaurant that only serves vegetarian meals as I remember her telling her that she was considering becoming meat free.

"Rye this is brilliant, I can't believe you remembered!" she exclaimed as she reaches up onto her tip toes to give me a quick peck on the cheek. "Of course I remembered shortcake" I tease using the nick name I had came up with for her a few days ago.

She hosted up at me before something popped into her head "Little people know that little people fight, we may look easy pickings but we've got some bite" she quotes a smirk grew onto her face as I look shocked, she really didn't strike me as the type of person to watch musicals so I was very taken back.

She turns and walks into the restaurant. I get my senses back after a few seconds and rush to catch up to her "did you just quote Les Miserable, I didn't know you liked musicals" I ask curiously.

"Yeah, I love um, have done ever since I can remember, I've wanted to be on the West End ever since I started doing drama when I was seven, it's my dream" she tells me her eyes sparkling with passion, she was so confident about it, really excited to tell me her hopes and dreams.

People can be so closed off and shy, I guess it only takes one question and the cover of their story begins to open, and they are no longer a closed book they are starting to become an open one,  an open book. I can already tell we are going to have a smashing night.


Well thanks for reading this chapter, comment what you think is far and I would just like to say that my summer holidays have finally started so I can't promise that there will be regular updates over the next six week but I will try to get as many up as possible. Hope you all had a brilliant summer!

-Charlotte 💛

Word count: 1373

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