Chapter 3: "That was my boyfriend"

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I hear a soft knock on my bedroom door "come in" I say tired before my mothers face peeps around the door. She had a sympathetic smile on her lips as she said "Charlotte honey, I know your upset but you can't spend all your time in here, you need some fresh air".

"mum I've told you,I'm fine, I'm just tired" I snapped back blinking at her through my blood shot, dagger like eyes.
"Well at least I tried, Jason is here by the way, he wants to talk to you". I send her a short nod and she called him up.

I smile at the door when the intimidating guy walked in "hey babe" he said setting himself down on the bed. "Hey Jax" I replied genuinely happy to see him for once.

We talk and catch up for a few minutes, mainly about pur love for musicals, he may not seem like the type but we both have a dream to perform on the West End together one day.

"Oh I've booked up a table at the restaurant down the street, cause you know it is our 3 year anniversary today" he said smiling.
"Oh yeah 3 years, I completely forgot, I'm so sorry, but I can't wait" he just replied with a quick wink and got up to leave "Good, be ready at 7"he said before giving me a quick kiss them leaving my room.

I get straight to it, I ended up curling my hair, done a natural make up look and put on a short wine red dress. Finally I slipped on a pair of matching red heels and I was ready to go.

We got to the restaurant after about a 15 minute walk, we were seated and took out orders quickly. I had a glass of champagne and a salad (as I had recently decided to go on a diet). Jaxon had a steak and what felt and looked like 15 pints of beer by the end of the meal, he was extremely drunk.

I had to hold him up as we walked outside to the dark street, we got about half way before we had to walk down a dark alley way where he turned to me unexpectedly and kissed my lips roughly. I try to push him off but he just grabs my wrists with force and carries on, I manage to pry our lips apart before I start to hear footsteps walking towards us "Not here Jax" I say to him but he ignores as he pushes me against a wall and continues to kiss me.

I move my head to the side away from him, the steps get closer, but his hungry lips found my neck. "I said not here Jaxon!" I say as I push him away from me and release my back from the cold wall. Jaxon looks at me in disgust before walking quickly and angrily back towards me and the next thing I knew was his hand half punching half slapping my cheek with such force that it sent me to the floor. I hiss in pain as my bare knees and hands hit the rough ground, causing blood to rush to the grazed skin.

I look up from my injuries to see him coming back but that's when a familiar voice broke through the darkness "Hey! She said no, leave her alone!" the mystery man's voice bellowed as there fist collided with Jaxon's jaw and knocking him to the floor "He should be dazed for a few minutes, nothing more though so we better get going".

My savior came over to me and gently pulled me up and helped me into the light, busy street. I lift my head and my eyes once again meet the most beautiful brown eyes once again meet the most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen "Ryan?" I say in shock as he looked back at me just as bemused as I. He moved his thumb up to my cheek that was now red and swollen, he barely touched it and I still flinched, he seemed to notice that it hurt and moved his hand down to rest on my shoulder "Charlotte, are you ok, I saw what happened, who was that guy" his words sounding both disgusted yet worried at the same time.

I sigh before telling him "That was my boyfriend, he doesn't usually act like that, he was just really drunk" I was defending Jaxon, yes of course I was, sounds stupid but I didn't want him to get in trouble, God knows what he would do to me then. Rye's face was full of shock and I could practically read his mind but then he decided it was best to not argue "at least come back to our house with us" he half begged at that when I noticed it wasn't only Rye and I standing on the street.

I look around and see that Andy had his eyes, full of worry, locked on me. I just sighed and gave them a half hearted nod knowing that there was no point in arguing and it wouldn't be best to go home im this state.

Word count: 872

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