Chapter 14: "Goodnight shortcake"

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(A/N: Before I start I just realised that I haven't actually officially addressed the fact that I have decided to make Lilly older than her original age which was 11, so for any of you that were a little confused she is now 16! Ooh and I have changed all the chapter names!)

(Tori's POV:)

We are still kissing and have been for what felt like forever until we hear someone clear their throat. I look to the floor and move back to our original space and after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence I decide to speak up "soooo, who is next?" to which Sonny says "I'll go I guess".

(Lilly's POV:)

I watch the bottle as Sonny spins it, it starts to slow down and it slowly creeps towards me, shit, so I do the one thing I can think of. I go to stand up and 'accidentally' kick the bottle off it's track. "Oops, sorry guys I was just getting my water" I walk over to my bag and get out my bottle to take a sip. "I don't think we should have another round anyway, I'm starting to get really tired" Charlotte helps yawning.

"I should probably start heading home then" I say picking up bag but I'm stopped by Sonny speaking up "No, you can stay here for the night, you all can, I don't think you should really be out alone at this time of night, you never know what'll happen" he smiles and I nod getting my phone put to text my mum about where I was staying. I put my bag down and walk back go the group.

"Ok, so who id going to sleep where?" Charlotte asks. "Well, we can share a room" Rye says referring to him and Charlotte "Jack and Pan can share" he continues making the pair blush, "Tori and Sonny can share" resulting in an awkward silence.

"I will sleep in my usual room" Sophie says in a  bored and disinterested tone and Charlotte stand up "I will go shift my bits" and jogs up to the bedrooms. "Alrighty then, I will be fine with the sofa" I say but Brook jumps in "Oh no, you are a guest you can share with me if you want".  To which I nod and accept the kind offer.

(Rye's POV:)

We all take it in turn to use the bathrooms before saying goodnight to one another and heading into our rooms, Charlotte is wearing a cute light blue bunny onesie and I am wearing a pair of joggers.

She smiles at me as we clamber into the bed and I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her close, she brings her arms on front of her and puts one over my body in a hug as she snuggles her head into the crook of my neck.

"Goodnight shortcake" I smirk into her hair, "Goodnight Ryepie" she laughs with a yawn

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"Goodnight shortcake" I smirk into her hair, "Goodnight Ryepie" she laughs with a yawn.

I reach a hand from her waist up and brush her hair away from her forehead so I can plant a soft, gentle kiss "I love you" I tell her when U see the corners of her mouth lift up "I love you too" she whispers and we both fall to silence entangled in each others embrace.

(Sonny's POV:)

We both sit awkwardly up in the bed avoiding eye contact "We need to talk" we both say at the same time "Ok, you first, no you" we do it again.

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