Chapter 13: "We're home!"

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(Charlotte's POV:)

I cross my eyes over my chest "close the door" I say sternly once he is out and he follows as I said and does so. "Ok, I'm just going to go straight to the point here, don't string my little sister along, don't make someone think you like them then make them meet your girlfriend a few weeks later, that is out of line Ryan. But do you know what is worse, it's when your stringed along by your own boyfriend, I've been through it before and it's horrible, you don't love Tori and don't try to tell me that I'm wrong Robertson, I can see it when you look at her, you don't love her yet your still pretending like you do, can't you see how messed up that is? Now, you may think that you will hurt Tori if you break up with her, and yes, of course you will but not as much as if you keep telling and acting that you love her and she find out, and she will end up finding out, one way or another, I will step in if I have to, people always find out. So just make up your mind Sonny, Tori or Lilly, it's your choice, try to make the right one. Oh and before I forget, fuck you, Lilly is so bloody upset because of you, it's your fault that she is crying, your fault!" I shout.

(Rye's POV:)

I try to hold myself back but when I hear shouting I can't stop myself anymore. When I get out of the room it appears that Charlotte has just finished shouting and Sonny looks like he is about to snap. "ok you two" I say as calming as possible while I step in front of Sonny who is now so agitated it looks as if he is going to attack Charlotte the second he got the chance he is going to attack Charlotte "Sonny calm down" I tell him.

"Me calm down, mate she was just screaming at me, like I know I've fucked up already, I'm stressed enough" he growls trying to get past me but I grab him by the shirt "call down" I hiss through gritted teeth "now someone tell me what's going on"

"Basically Sonny has been texting Lilly for a while now, flirting with her and only now she finds out that he has had a girlfriend the whole time. Neither of the girls deserve this, it's messed up and funfair, so now they are sat in there, one is in tears and the other is completely clueless" Charlotte tells me.

I sigh about to say something when I am cut off by Pandemonium opening the door "This is madness, Jack saw Lilly giving Tori dirty looks and become defensive, so that made Andy step in and he is trying to calm Jack down and Brook is just confused as hell." she tells us clearly stressed.

"Oh bloody hell, we leave them for five minutes and they turn into animals" Charlotte sighs walking into the hospital room but turning back to face me at the last second "Rye can you take Lilly out if the room and try to calm her down please"

(Sonny's POV:)

I When we are in the room I see that Tori is still sitting down with Brook and Andy now around her, Jack is leaning against a wall behind her and Lilly is sat sniffling opposite everything.

I follow Charlotte over to Tori "are you ok, you look a bit shocked, I'm sorry about her, she can get a bit hot headed sometimes, she was just really upset about something that has happened recently" she says rubbing her hand up and down Tori's arm as I tell the guys to give them some space.

"You look a bit annoyed mate what's wrong?" Brook asks so I pull him to one side and say "Now isn't such a great time but I will tell you once we get back home, in private" I run a hand through my curles and lean up against a wall casually.

"It's fine, I understand, not everyone is going to like you but I am prepared to forgive her and move past it, I'm not one to hold a grudge" I smile when I hear Tori's words. The door creeks open and in enters Lilly then Rye right behind her. Lilly's beautiful blue eyes were blood shot and puffy but her face was clear of any tears, she walks towards Tori takes a deep breath "Tori I'm really s-" but she was cut off "Lilly it's fine, you don't have to say sorry, we all do things we don't mean when we are upset, I'm not going to hold a grudge against you, that wouldn't be the right thing to do" Tori smiles up at her as Lilly says thanks.

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