Chapter 2- "This is Ryan"

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I wouldn't say that I didn't enjoy the concert but I would have enjoyed it more if I had known the songs that they had sung. But I could tell that Lilly had really liked it.

Once we were put of the main area we went to the toilets, got some merchandise then I lead us to the meet and greet. By the time we were there we were the last people so we knew it would take a while to get to the front.

We were finally at the front and before I could get even move Lilly had launched herself at the group of boys, leaving me to awkwardly walk forward on my own. All the boys were fussing over Lilly, apart from one that looked away from me quickly when I noticed his stare.

Lilly introduced herself, being the naturally confident person she is, then turned to me "and this is my big sister Charlotte, she isn't a fan, fist was forced to bring me"the brunette told them with a wide smile on her face.

The sixteen year old then motioned to a blonde boy with a kind smile "This is Andy aka Fovvs", I stepped forward to shake his hand before moving to the next boy who had curly black hair and a cheeky grin "This is Sonny" she said as I also shook his hand. She introduced two other boys, one was a Sandy blonde called Brooklyn, and the other had dark hair and was called Jack.

Then we got to the last boy, the one that had been staring at me "and finally this is Ryan but everyone calls him Rye" I took his hand to shake looking up at him, even with 5 inch heels on I am still shorter than everyone how the hell does that work! I smiled at him and for some reason I blushed a light shade of red when my hazel eyes met his gorgeous, deep, chocolaty brown eyes.

The other lads seemed to pick up on this and let us talk for a few minutes before we were interrupted by a girl, (she looked 19, so she was my age) walking over.

"hey Soph" Ryan said as he gave her a massive bear hug. The girl then turned to me and I started to recognize her 'it couldn't be her could it? It could just be a coincidence.'

She gave me am overly sweet smile before she look my hand to shake "hi I'm Sophie, Sophie Beaumont, Rye's sister" she said cheerfully clearly knowing who I was. 'yes it was her, I thought my school days were over, but they had to come back to haunt me!'

I freeze letting go of her hand noticing a small smirk on Sophie's lips before everything went blurry as my eyes teared up. "Charlotte are you o-" but I cut Ryan's concerned voice off "I'm sorry but we should get this photo done then go". The upset tone in my voice had caught the attention on Lilly, Andy, Brooklyn, Jack and Sonny.

They decided not to say anything, we got the photo taken then I quickly rushed Lilly out of the venue as I started to sob, the memories of my past filling my mind again.

Word count: 527

Starstruck- A Ryan Beaumont fan fiction  {DISCONTINUED} Where stories live. Discover now