Chapter 11: "she is a giant drama queen"

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(Pandemonium's POV:)

I wake up to someone shaking me but instead of opening my eyes I to see who it is trying to disturb me from my wonderful sleep I just mumble a quick "ten more minutes".

There is a low chuckle from over me "No not ten more minutes Princess, we have to get up now" Jack's soothing voice whispers in my ear forming goosebumps up my arms and legs.

I couldn't resist any more so I let my eyelids slowly flutter open to reveal the Irish boys head hovering over mine. We stare smiling at eachother and I slowly get sucked into his mesmerizing eyes.

(Jack's POV:)

I feel myself being pulled down towards her as I stare into her pea green eyes but I shake my head and sit up "we have to go, something has happen-" but I'm swiftly cut off.

"Wait what! Is it Charlotte? Is she ok!" The Red head panics shooting up from her laying position and I twist round to get off of her and sit on the edge of my bed.

"No nothing has happened to Charlotte" I reassure her feeling bad when I hear the pure fear for her friends in her voice, beautiful and caring, how is such a great human made? "what's happened then, is it Rye?" Pan asks still worried but much calmer now that she knows Charlotte is ok.

"Yes, Rye is in the hospital, we don't know anything about what's happened yet, Charlotte is going to tell us when we get there.

(Charlotte's POV:)

Soon enough we are all sat around Rye's bed, Brook on my left then Pan on my right with Jack next to her, they were sneakily holding onto each other's hands thinking we can't see. Them opposite Brook is Andy and last but not least opposite me is Sonny.

I have told them everything that happened and we are now telling jokes and just generally being silly to lighten up the somber mood. But shortly into our giggle fest our stomachs start a conversation of their own.

We are fighting over who was going to get the food when I came up with am idea "wait guys, I can just get Lilly to get it" I suggest earning a bunch of nodding heads, it was kind of like a giant whack-a-mole with all the heads bobbing up and down.

"Hey Lil" I chimed through the phone when she picks up "do you mind fetching some Maccies for my friends and I, I will pay and I will even pay for you if you get one" she reluctantly agrees and I gave her all of our orders and told her where to bring it. Luckily I had put our last name on the form so she would be able to get in.

"ok, now boys she is a giant drama Queen and she will go really crazy when she sees you" I warn them. I hear a very faint mumble and look over to see that opposite me Sonny is quietly talking to himself, but I come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter and brush it off.

(Lilly's POV:)

I do a quick natural look and quickly throw on an outfit, a pair of black cargo pants and my oversized Dynamite hoodie. I throw my hair into messy space buns and slip into some black boots.

(A/N- This is not what Lilly looks like just the makeup look she is wearing)

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(A/N- This is not what Lilly looks like just the makeup look she is wearing)

Once I'm there I order all the food and also get myself a small chicken select meal with a cup if tea, I don't tend to get a lot when I have fast food as I'm trying to maintain my weight.

I listen to my RT playlist on the way to the hospital. Memories from the tour flashing through my mind, particularly when I met Sonny, we just seemed to click right away. He bad even slipped me his number, we had been texting for a while now and it is going really well I think.

It doesn't take long to get to the hospital and find out the room they are in.

(Sonny's POV:)

I am so excited so see Lilly again, I know that it's only been a week since we last called eachother but it has felt like a whole year! So when I hear a loud knock on the closed door I am the first to jump up.

I notice Charlotte looking at me inquisitively and slow down a tad. I open the door and see her face, at first she is shocked, then extremely happy, then she looks confused and embarrassed "Oh I must have got the wrong room" she laughs as she does her eyes close shut and her nose scrunches up, oh and I can never forget how her mouth curls up to reveal shiny white teeth and adorable dimples. She is too cute!

"Actually Lilly, you are at the right room" Charlotte says from next to me at the door. "wait what, you, you said the food was for your friends, I can't believe you wouldn't tell me that you were friends with my idols, you know how much I love them". She sounds hurt and angry, like she would either burst into tears or attack her sister at any minute.

"Lil-" I begin amd put a hand on her shoulder but she shakes he off instantly "No Ryan don't, not right now, just, here" she stutters as she places pur food down, only taking her own and running towards the exit.

"I'm going after her, I'll make sure she doesn't do anything stupid." I say ad I take off after her.

It has been almost half an hour and I have just about given up, until I hear the clanging of metal being hit repeatedly.

I'm cautious as I creep around the corner, cause like, I don't want to be hurt ya know! But it's only Lilly, Lilly letting all her anger our on a bin.

(Lilly's POV:)

I'm beating the hell our of a metal bin when someone comes walking up behind me "Hey stop, your going to hurt yourself Lilly" a familiar voice half whispers from being me. A voice that sends shivers down my spine, a voice that I can never stay mad at. So I just sigh in defeat and reluctantly turn around to look up at him.

"Why didn't you tell me" I ask ad he meads us towards the pavement and sits down pulling me down to sit next to him. We don't kook at eachother, just lean against the wall.

"Well, Charlotte told us how you crack under pressure and she said for no one to tell anyone where she was just in case it got back to Jaxon" Sonny explains.

"I'm guessing from the fact that she has been in hiding and that he has been constantly demanding to know where she was that she finally had enough and broke up with him" I say raising am eyebrow and getting confirmation from Sonny

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you you'd have been the first to know" be says guilt lacing his voice. "No, I should be the one apologizing, I over reacted, I'm sorry" I say looking at him with a small smile on my lips that grew into a full grin when he embraced me.

(Charlotte's POV:)

We sit talking again when I feel Rye's hand move in mine, my head snaps to face him to see that he is now sat up and looking at me confused.

"Who are you?"

(A/N: hey guys! I'm back, I am so sorry for not updating in a while I have been really busy since I got back to school, hopefully I am back to my usual weekly updates from now on but I will tell you if anything comes up and I can't update. Anyway you might have notices that I have changed the cover for the story, tell me what you think of the new one in the comments and also tell me what you think has happened! Love you guys

Peace and love -

¢нαяℓσттє 💛

Word count: 1273

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