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"Why is your dad sitting on the corner of the field?" I walk up to Josh, who is watching Kaiden's soccer game that Brad has decided to coach "Did they kick him again?"

"No, Kaid called him an idiot and he got pissed. Jake needs to get here soon if this team has any hope of winning."

"Why did we let him decide to coach in the first place? You were supposed to talk him out of it before it started."

"I thought maybe there was a chance that he would be good. I was wrong."

"Well," I sigh, watching the other team score another goal because Brad doesn't have our players set up right, "at least if they lose I don't have to buy all these kids icecream. That's a plus."

"Mom you really don't have to worry about that." Josh leaves me, calling the team aside for a huddle, switching some of them around since Brad is too busy retying the shoe he always just tripped over.

I listen closely as he tells them their new spots, switching almost all of them around to try and save the second half of the game.

"You guys really don't believe in me, do you?" Brad walks up next to me, listening to everything Josh says "I know what I'm doing."

"Baby, I know you think that, but look at those poor kids. You're trying, but they deserve a coach that has a better idea what they're doing."

"You're mean."

"I love you."

"Mom!" Kaid waves me over towards everyone, getting my attention "When is Jake going to be here?  I want him and Josh to be the new coaches."

"Soon, buddy.  I hope at least."

They call both teams back to the field, so I stand to the side watching while Brad and Josh yell out to the players. 

They start doing much better thanks to Josh's help, making it look like they actually have a shot at winning.  Kaid runs down the field multiple times, trying his best, each time making it closer and closer to the goal he desperately wants to reach.

"Good job, baby!" I cheer him on once he finally reaches the goal, tying the game.  He glares over at me, face red with embarrassment.

"Moooom!  You're supposed to sit quietly."

"Okay, okay." I roll my eyes, stealing Brad's water and sitting on the bench next to him and Josh, waiting for something entertaining to happen. By now one of the kids normally falls over the ball, or gives up and lays in the middle of the field to tan.

"Should we give them their snacks now?" Brad leans in, obviously hungry himself "They look like they could be getting hungry."

"Yeah, that wouldn't hurt."

"A bunch of orange slices aren't going to perform a miracle.  These kids need a real coach, one that doesn't get distracted by a firefly."

"Hey!  That happened once.  During a game that ended late."

"Honey, you're almost 55, it shouldnt matter how late or amazing it looked.  If you aren't a toddler, ignore it."

I run out to Brad's car where all the snacks are packed tightly in the trunk, surrounded by all the junk food he's constantly trying to hide from me. He has a bunch of half assed orange slices in a ziplock back that not surprisingly is opened and leaking all over the inside of his car.

"You have a giant mess in your car," I carry everything out, standing next to him "And if you're going to hide chips and candy from me, don't be an idiot about it."

"Maybe I'm not trying to hide it.  Maybe I just forgot to take it inside."

"Just make sure they all get a snack.  I'm gonna go sit in the car for a little so I can have some air conditioning."

I go back to my car, turning it on to finally get some air while working on a new script I just recieved. 

The sounds of cheering and kids excitement surrounds me as I read over it, highlighting what could possibly be my parts. 

I love hearing all this, knowing my child is one of those that is so excited for his team, especially when the kid have worked so hard to get here.

"Hey," Catie surprises me, opening the passenger door as I finish the script "Why aren't you out there?"

"I wanted to look over this, and it's way too hot out."

She takes the script from me as we walk, looking over it herself.  I start going over some of the lines in my head before she starts reading them off, helping me like she used to as a child.

"Thanks, honey.  I really appreciate the help."

"You're welcome, it's nice to get away from reality for a little."

I look out to see that the game has gotten much more competitive now that it's near the end, and decide we should probably make sure we watch just incase they win by some miracle.

"Do we really have to get them icecream?" Brad asks as the game ties "That means dealing with them all sugary."

"You promised them, not me.  You'll be the worst coach ever if we don't."


Kaid surprises us all, somehow managing to kick the ball from one side of the field all the way to the other, going right through the goal. 

"...and your child is the reason you're buying.  Good job."

"When did he get good?"

"I don't know..."

"Well, someone better text Ally and tell her to start making cones..." Catie stands next to us in amazement, watching the team cheer on Kaid "She's gonna be so happy she went back to her summer job again."

The kids run over, high off the excitement of finally winning a game.  They huddle up, talking to each other as Brad and I tell the parents where to meet us now that we have to follow through with this ridiculous promise.

"Maybe dad should keep coaching..." Ally looks around at all the hyped up kids making messes "That way they aren't always here."

"You guys are the worst."

We hope you like this chapter, it'll be more interesting in the next chapters to come !!

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