We're married

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"Hey mom," Ally walks in carrying a bag "How are you feeling?"

"A lot better than I was, I haven't left the house in almost two days."

I get up to open the bag she hands me, pulling out some tissues and cold medicine she has for me.

"Aw thanks, honey. You didn't have to bring all this."

"I know, but I wanted to talk to you, it's been a while since we've had time."

I smile, knowing this is the perfect time to get to know what is going on with her. I feel like we've lost parts of her since she went to school so far away.

"Actually, I've been wanting to talk to you too... about different things."

"Mom if you're going to lecture me again..." she sighs, moving away "I didn't come here for that. I'm sick of all the lectures."

"Honey I'm not going to lecture you. I don't have the energy for that right now. I just wanted to talk to you, make sure you're really happy with Cameron."

"Why wouldn't I be happy with Cam? There's no reason for me to not be happy."

I know it's going to be hard to get through to her that I feel like we don't even know the guy, but I don't want her messing up, falling for someone she doesn't really know either.

"Ally I know you like him, and he seems great, but we don't know him. Your dad and i had no idea who he was for months, we deserve to get to know him. Especially if you think this is serious."

"If I think this is serious? I love him, mom! He's the best boyfriend I've had, the only one that has truly cared about me or my family. That's what I wanted to talk to you about, I wanted to tell you how great things have been between us. Buf you have to make it difficult! You can't just be happy for me."

"I am happy for you... I just wish I knew him. I wish I knew his favorite color, or even his birthday. If you love him and this is serious then I want him to feel included in the family and I can't do that unless I know basic things about him."

"He just... he seems very different than you, Ally. You're constantly making changes and taking risks, and I love that about you, but he grew up different. You've seen his family, you know he had stricter rules, guidelines he needed to follow. Are you sure that's what you want?"

"You and dad didn't grow up the same? Are you trying to tell me you guys shouldn't have ended up together? That the last how many years have been wasted?"

"No, absolutely not. I'm just saying that it's hard, and you have to make a lot of compromises. You're so young, I know you think you love him, but that doesn't necessarily mean you need to settle. You have so much ahead of you, so many big chances. Are you sure he's going to follow you? Support you through all your changes and risks?"

"You're not getting it. Not at all. If you want to know more about him, reach out to him. He's a pretty cool guy, ask anyone else in the family. They all seem to like him! I just wanted to have a nice talk with my mom and we can't even have that anymore. You're judging me way too much."

"I don't want to judge you. I just feel like we've drifted too much, you went across the country for school, and it worked out amazing for you, and I'm happy you found someone like Cam, but as your mother I'm allowed to have an opinion. I'm allowed to help guide you, and I just don't want you rushing into something because you think it's fun right now. I don't want you making any important decisions based on a love that you haven't spent much time on."

"Well you're a few weeks too late on that one, mom."

"... we got married on vacation."

I stand there unable to get a word out of me. I don't know if I should take this as a joke or if she's actually serious, if she could really get married without telling us

"What?" I almost whisper

"We got married mom,"

"Is this a joke, because it's really not funny Ally" she stares at me almost wanting to laugh but quickly realize I'm dead serious right now

"No, this is not a joke mom. We got married a month ago here in L.A. It was a little party with our closest friends on the beach, and we thought the moment couldn't be better to do it"

"So it wasn't a real minister right? Like not a real legal wedding"

"Oh yeah it was. We called a minister then we went to the mayor and I changed my name and—"

"You changed your NAME??"

"Yeah!! Cause that's what we do when we get married, didn't you do it?!!"

"Oh my god Alexia, were you ever going to telle us??"

"Yeah we were going to,"

"Ally you're 21 years old, this is huge you can't just get married like that on a thought. What if it doesn't last, which I hope not, what if you realize you don't share the same passions or that he's not the one you thought he'll be or that you're not the bot he thought you'll be?!"

"See?!! That's exactly why we didn't want to tell you! Mom I'm not a child anymore, you can't just decide if I can or can't get married! I'm freaking 21, I know Cameron and I chose to marry him because I know and love HIM"

"Hey, hey hey what's going on?" Brad gets in the living room

"Cam and I got married"

"Yeah...." I sigh in disbelief

"Nooo you're kidding, I'm not believing this" he laughs taking a bottle of water in the fridge "Dad I'm dead serious look at the pictures"

She throws her phone on the kitchen counter showing us pictures of that day "You even had a real dress...so it was a real wedding Ally" I sigh almost about to cry

"Well...congratulations honey"

"You're not happy mom, I can see it" she comes closer to me "I'm not unhappy baby, I'm happy for you but I'm sad you didn't tell us"

"Aww mom," she wraps me in her arms as a tear is about to drop "Did I do something wrong? I mean why are we so far from each other that you didn't want us at your wedding?"

"Mom I didn't think about you not being here we just did it there because we felt like it, there was no family member"

"I know but you could've told us right after"

"And I'm really sorry about that, but you don't make things easy either"

"I know that too...well Brad I think it's time for her band....remember the band we made for Catie? Well did one for you too and thought that when you'll get married we'll give it to you"

As I talk Brad comes back with the ring handing it to me to give them.

"Just... know we love you both, okay? Whatever it was that kept you from telling us, we'll all have to work out. We're a family. We should be able to share anything."

"We love you guys too."

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