Oh Kaid

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Sherry's POV:

"Did you really think you parents wouldn't figure out you stayed home?" I turn to Kaiden, who is sitting next to me in the car trying his best not to look me in the eyes "The school calls all of us. You're lucky they have the number blocked from your brother."

"I told you. My head hurts too bad to learn today. It's a real thing."

"Which is exactly why you could have told them. You know they would have just called and asked me to watch you."

I eventually park the car, forcing him to acknowledge me for real.

"What's going on, Kaid? Were you hiding something? Is that why you didn't want to tell them you're sick? Or you didn't want me checking up on you? You know you can tell me anything."

"I just really don't feel good. And mom's always super paranoid about it since I'm never sick."

"Well I'm a little worried too, if your head really hurts enough for you to voluntarily get checked out I know you don't feel good."

As soon as we get in the office, he puts his head down, trying to avoid looking at the light, and that's when I know it's serious.

"Hi, I wanted to check in my grandson. Kaiden Pitt."

I have him sit down while I go up to reception to get everything ready, hoping it doesn't take too long.

"Okay, I just need your photo ID. Do you have his insurance card by chance?"

"I don't have the physical card, but I have a picture of it that his parents sent me another time I was watching him. We can call them, too. They're just both working right now."

"Okay great, that works. Do you have a number for them? I'll just need to call quick and make sure you're okay to be bringing him in."

"Yeah, I can give you their numbers, but you're probably better off calling the production company. Neither of them have answered my texts today."

She nods her head, dialing the company's phone number as we wait for an answer.

"Hi, can I please speak to Brad or Jennifer Pitt?... I'm calling from Dr. Smith's office about their son Kaiden."

Jen's Pov:

"Hey Jen, someone's on line one for you. Says they're calling about Kaid."

"Is it the school?"

"No, I think they said Dr. Smith."

I go into the office thinking this has to be important since he hasn't been there in weeks and answer the phone.

"Hi, this is Jennifer."

"Hi Jennifer, this is Melanie from Dr. Smith's office. We have your son Kaiden in here with his grandmother, we just wanted to make sure she's okay to be bringing him in today."

"Yeah, of course."

"Okay great, can you just verify his birthday for me?"


"Great, thank you."

We hang up and I immediately go over to Brad's office, trying to figure out if he has any idea what's going on, but just see him and George trying fo play basketball with the little net they have set up.

"Hey," I catch the ball as Brad throws it towards the door "Do you know why Sherry has Kaid at the doctors?"

"Why isn't he at school?"

"I don't know, normally he tells us if he doesn't feel good. I just thought he got on the bus like normal, but I guess not today."

"Do you think he lost one of his video games?" George steals the ball from me to throw around "Maybe he was in a bad mood."

"I guess that could be it, but that's not like him."

I go through my phone to see that I did get the automatic call from the school saying he isn't there, and Brad did as well, but we both have the schools number on silent since the nurses is separate.

"Well I'll call Sherry and see what's going on. It's weird she didn't call us."

Brad calls her while I continue trying to think of what's going on.


"Hey, what's up with Kaid? Everything okay?"

"I think so. I went to check when I got that call from the school, and he said his head hurts. Since he never complains I thought I'd bring him in."

"Is there something else? Why didn't he just tell us he doesn't feel good?"

"I'm not sure, I'm still trying to figure that part out. He definitely doesn't seem like himself. I was going to call you on the way here but I thought he'd wanna go home. I'm surprised he actually agreed to going to the doctor."

"Okay, well I guess let us know what they say. Thanks for taking him."

"Of course, I had to make sure he's okay. I'll let you know later."

Sherry's POV:

They call us back just as I hang up, asking all kinds of questions that Kaid obviously does not feel up to answering.

"He doesn't have a history of headaches or anything. I know his oldest sister used to get migraines, but this is the first I remember him complaining of anything."

"Have you had enough go eat and drink yet today? That can take a huge toll on you if not."

"I ate a normal breakfast, but I didn't drink as much as normal. I just didn't really feel thirsty."

The nurse hands him a cup of water before moving on to a few mors basic questions.

"Any changes in activities or sports? Any recent head injuries?"

"None that I know of, my daughter and son in law always have him checked if there's anything going on. I think he's just not used to headaches. He's just not normally a complainer at all so I wanted to get him checked out."

"Okay, the doctor should be in to see you soon, if you need anything just come out and let me know."

As she leaves, Kaid lays himself over the chairs with his head resting in my lap to cover his eyes from the bright light.

"Wait grandma," he eventually looks up at me "When they asked if I ate and drank enough, did they mean last night too? Because I didn't eat or drink after like 5 so I could best my new video game. I was up almost all night playing."

"Oh my God, Kaid."

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