Kaid's the best

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"Hey...time to get up sweetie" Courtney opens the curtains as the sun lights the whole room " I manage to get up somehow feeling a little better for the first time in 5 days "Do you know what day  is today?"

"Yeah, my baby's soccer game" I smile walking to the shower "What time is it? Do you want me to take you ?"

"No it's alright honey thanks, I'll take my car in case I want to take the kids out later" "Alright, I guess Brad will be there"

"Well yeah he's taking him there and he really wants to spend the night with me so I'm taking him back here, if you don't mind of course"

"Not at all! I'll make dinner" I get out then get dress thinking about how it's gonna be when I see Brad.

As I park in the car I see Kaiden from a distance. He immediately recognizes the car and runs to me "Hey mom, you came!" He hugs me "Of course I did honey, I would never miss your game you know that"

"Come say hi to dad" he pulls my hand towards Brad who is taking the chairs and drinks out "Oh hey!" he smiles "Hey!" I hug him smiling too, a part of me glad to see him and have him in my arms

" How are you?"

"I'm okay, I almost didn't sleep last night, I was so excited to see this lil man's game today" I smile looking at Kaid who's somehow not as excited as a minute ago

"You okay honey?" I lean to him "Yeah..."

"You sure? You know you can tell me anything"

"Dad and you didn't kiss when you said hi, you always do usually why didn't you?"

I look at Brad who heard it all, making things harder, then look back at Kaid "Honey, it's a little complicated but don't worry everything is gonna be alright,"

"The most important thing is your game today! Alright?" He nods smiling then takes both our hands as we get in the stadium. I help him put his jersey and shoes on then he goes training with his friends

"How are you?" We sit next to each other doing our best to make Kaid as comfortable as possible but also we don't want other parents to suspect anything and see it tomorrow in the news.

"I've been better....and you?" "Well...pretty much the same" we both know we have a lot to say, a lot of pain to get out of our chest but it's not the moment nor the place

"Hey mom, dad" Ally kisses the both of us "Hey honey where's your sister and Josh?"

"On their way, they promised Kaiden a new skateboard if his team won the game so they went to buy it" "Hmm a new way for my son to hurt himself and when were you gonna tell me about it?"

"Moooom he needs to learn, you know we took him to the skate park with Cam and Jake and he's actually really good"

"He really is Jen honestly"

"Okay now I need to see this, I feel like I've been gone 10 years and it's been five days what else is new? What else have I missed?"

"Don't worry you didn't miss anything...but we miss you,  Kaid is pretty miserable without you" Brad says before getting up and walking to the coach as I stare at him

"He means HE is miserable without you mom" Catie sits as her and the boys just arrived "Geez you scared the crap out of me Catie!" "Calm down Ally"

I black out from the girls little fight, staring at Brad who's talking with the coach. I study every bit of him realizing how much I miss him and how much I want to be in his arms and figure things out

"Mom are you alright?" Josh asks obviously staring at me since "What?" "You keep staring at dad, you must miss him too I guess"

"Of course I do, it's not because we're away from each other and fighting that I don't miss him...I miss him deeply actually"

The game finally starts getting our attention as Brad comes back  "Okay I talked to the coach and he said they have their chances to win especially with that little guy over there, he apparently has a problem with his knee"

"Aaww poor baby I hope he'll be able to play"

"Jen that's a good thing for our team it means we're gonna win for sure" Brad laughs

"Well yeah that's a good thing but it's sad, think about his mother" they all roll their eyes "Mom you're way too sensitive"

We watch the game till the last five minutes as Kaid's team did one goal and the same for the other team which tenses things up "Okay they're gonna need to do penalty shootouts to see who's gonna win, and Kaid will be the shooter"

Brad informs us, surprisingly knowing his subject too well. The stadium gets quiet as the boy from the other team shoots. He shoots one time and the ball the gets in, the second time the ball goes out and the third it gets in which means Kaid needs to shoot three times in to win

As he gets in place Brad and I hold our hands as our baby is about to win or loose. He shoots once and gets the ball in, then the second ball gets in and as he's about to shoot the last ball we all cheer him up "Go on champ!" Brad screams

He concentrates then shoots the ball. We all see the ball passing the goal and getting in then all stand up screaming "Oh my god...he did it! We won!" I scream to Brad who kisses me of happiness, then runs to Kaid

"Oh my...mom" the kids smile to me "What? What's wrong?"

"You guys just kiss!" As I hear them I realize what just happened and how normal it felt to us that we didn't even realize. "I guess we did" I say smiling as I watch him holding Kaid on his shoulder

"Mom we won!!!" He gets off Brad then jumps on me "Congratulations honey!!! I'm so proud of you, you're a real champ!" I kiss him on the forehead "Now I really want to give you more kisses but you need a shower first" I laugh as he watch his bothers and sisters

"Aaannnd you deserved your skateboard" Josh hands him he skate "Thanks guys!" "Now you get to choose where we're eating tonight" I say as we walk back to the car while Brad finishes to talk with the coach about god knows what

"I want mom's pecan pie with ice-cream! Lots of it"

"Then let's go home and I'll make you a pecan pie honey" "Will you stay after?"

"No honey, some things still need to be figured out"

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