Merry Christmas!

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"Mhmm what time is it?" I wake up to Brad wrapping me up in his arms, nuzzling my neck "How are we still asleep."

"Shhhhh, I put an extra lock on our door. I could hear them trying to get in earlier."

I slowly turn to face him, taking in the sleepy, handsome face I'm lucky enough to wake up next to every day. He leans in for a kiss, pulling me closer as passion rushes through us.

"So... did Catie make our pancakes?" I finally ask as we separate "She said she had an idea to make them even better this year."

"I overheard Carol saying her and Ally are making them. Something about Catie being too tired."

"She's still tired? But they've been here over a day relaxing."

"I don't know, maybe she just wanted to let someone else try..." he lays on his back, pulling me on top of him as I pull the blankets over us "She's been making them for years, maybe she thought there should be a change."

"There's something going on with her. She hasn't been herself for at least a week now."

"I know. She's been off, reminding me more of you recently."

"What exactly is that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know, she's just acting a lot like you did at her age. Always forgetting things, complaining about me all the time. She complained about Jake for a whole thirty minutes yesterday."

"Brad..." I look up smirking, knowing my recent suspicions have to be true if he's been noticing things as well.

And then Kaiden runs in, somehow breaking both of Brad's door locks in the process.

"Mom! Dad! Come on! We're all waiting for presents!"

"Okay, okay. Calm down." I slowly get up, but realize before it's too late that my child probably does not want to see me topless.

"We'll meet you downstairs in a few minutes," Brad quickly says, keeping Kaid from too much suspicion "Start handing out the presents a while."

We wait until he leaves, both searching around the room for any trace of clothing since we don't feel like digging around.

"Here, it's Christmassy. This is good enough." He throws me my red robe, putting an ugly sweater on himself "The kids are waiting, they don't care how you look."

"I cannot wear this without anything underneath it. Give me a minute."

I dig through my piles, finding some pajama pants and a tank top, deciding that works much better anyway, and meet everyone downstairs where Carol has a huge mug of coffee waiting for me.

"Merry Christmas!" I finally get into the living room, noticing everyone is waiting for me.

"Mom seriously, we've been up all morning waiting for you." Josh rolls his eyes, hardly able to contain himself as he holds his presents "You know we love Christmas!"

"Well I'm sorry, every other year you guys just wake us."

The kids start tearing into their presents as soon as we let them, acting like children again for a few minutes as they examine everything.

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