Helping Jane

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"Hey, don't get up. What do you need?"

I quickly get up myself, preventing Jane from having to get anything.

"I have dinner started but Will keeps messing with it, so I don't know when it'll be done."

"I just wanted some water, but don't worry about it. He can get it for me."

She yells out to Will, getting him to bring in a tray with some snacks on as well.

"I should have gotten this knee replacement years ago. It's nice seeing him have to work for once."

"We should get you a little bell or something, that way you can always have his attention."

"I already have one, just haven't had to break it out to use it yet."

I finish dinner once the oven finally beeps, carrying in our plates to the living room where the three of us talk about everything we can think of.

"How are Catie and Jake? I know she really felt bad about not being able to come help."

"They're doing good, they finally got everything moved into the new house now. Josh wants the appartment but we aren't sure about it yet."

"Let him have it, he's old enough," Will turns towards Jane and I "That way he isn't always bugging Ally and Cam."

"I want to let him, but Brad's convinced he'll never make payments on time. We always paid half of it for Catie and Jake, but Josh isn't exactly the most work motivated right now."

"Does Ally want the apartment? Now that her and Cam are more serious."

Jane looks up, reaching for a drink.

"She always said she liked it before."

"I thought she'd want it, but Cam's parents have another one they've been living in. It has more room for the art stuff so it makes more sense."

After a while, Will gets up for bed, tired after a long day of helping Jane with everything since she can't do too much right now.

"So does it feel weird having only Kaid? I was lost when Brad and Doug moved out."

"It does, but it's nice at the same time. I like having the house to us when he's away."

"But you miss your babies, I know you do."

"I do, a lot. Especially now with Catie being married and Ally getting more serious with Cam. I'm kinda glad we had Kaiden so late, it helps with things like this."

"You're always going to have them, too. Even times when you don't know why they won't leave you alone. They bother the hell out of you when you want to be left alone, but when you need them they're all conveniently busy."

I know she's upset that her kids weren't able to help her right now, and it sucks that she was always there to help them, but I know deep down she understands that they would be here in a heartbeat if needed. It does pain me though, to think that after all I've done for my kids, they might not always be there for the support I need.

"I just hope they're all having fun, being young and having the world at their fingertips."

"Oh, I bet they are. Fun runs in their blood. I loved my late teens into early twenties. Some of my favorite memories"

"Really? What'd you do?"

"My friends and I were always doing dumb things... getting drunk and sleeping between our cars, climbing up buildings to watch sunrises when we were out all night. One time we even drove two states away and back overnight without our parents knowing, just to buy fireworks where they were legal."

"You drove two states away? Two whole states? And your parents had no idea?"

"Well, they found out when we lit the fireworks and got escorted home by the cops, but that was weeks later..."

"Oh my God! And I thought it was bad when I snuck out at 16 after my mom went to bed so I could go to a comedy show."

"Was it a good show?"

"I never got in. They didn't believe I was 18."

"You really should have had a fake ID."

"I wasn't the smartest teenager at times."

"No wonder your kids always got caught. Between you not giving them the right advice and Brad being so useless at times they had no hope. I guess it's good I got you to help me and not him."

"Trust me, as much as he would help if really needed, you don't want Brad being the one taking care of you. After I had my appendix out and was supposed to be resting he was way more annoying than helpful."

"I can believe that. I remember him driving you crazy after you had Catie, I'm sure he didn't get much better."

"Not at all. I needed him to make her stop crying though, so I decided to keep him. He didn't turn out too bad."

I relax as we join each other on the couch, putting a movie on for background noise as we continue talking about life, and everything involved.

I don't know how I got lucky enough to have her as my mother in law, but I'm more and more thankful every day that she's one of my best friends.

"So you and Brad... how's that going?"

"Much better. I still have days I can't stand him, but we both know we're much better together."

"He was lost when you were going through everything, when I was at the house he was hardly making sense of himself, I've never seen him so distraught. The guy can't take care of himself without your help."

"Oh I know, it's bad. He's a freaking mess, but I don't know what I'd do without him. I didn't know you came over until last week, but whatever you did really set him straight. We both needed to work on things, but it definitely made him more open."

"I'm just happy I could help. I couldn't imagine the two of you not together, annoying the kids, or each other. I think the thought of losing you scared me even more though."

"Jane, you'd never get rid of me. You're stuck with me whether we last or not."

"Well, that's good because you're stuck with me too, you're one of the best things that happened to this family. We all love you."

"I love all of you too."

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