Having boys

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I'm reading my script, the same script I've been trying to learn for the last week but I had so many things going on. The house is calm, Brad went out with some friends and the boys are playing so it's the perfect time for me to finish this.

I learn my lines trying not to laugh at some ridiculous parts but then my phone rings and it's Leigh probably calling me about our meeting

"Hi honey, sorry I was supposed to call you earlier but I got stuck in a meeting"

"Don't worry sweetie, I was actually trying to learn some lines too, what's up?"

"So Jason called about a project they've been planning for the last year and I think you're gonna love it so-" I hear a huge noise coming from downstairs as if a bookcase had dropped, knowing that can only be my kids

"What was that?" "God...the boys for sure they must be fighting again, can I call you back in a minute? I have to take care of this"

"Sure go on!"

I get to Josh room only to see Kaid in rage sitting on him trying to beat him while Josh covers his face and fights him too "Mom tell Josh to stop annoying me!!!" "What the hell Kaid YOU are beating me up!"

"You both stop...NOW! Kaiden come here" he immediately gets off of his brother, letting me see the bruise on his forehead "Oh my god, what happened?" I say completely shocked

"We were playing on the X-BOX and Kaid lost and I made fun of him so he threw the remote on my head and I threw it back, but then he jumped on me and I pushed him back and he banged his head on the couch, and he jumped back!! Your kid is a freak!"

"No you are the freak!! You made me lose, and then make fun of me! You're stupid!!"

"Kaiden shut up! Go get me a bandaid for your bruise!" He leaves the still mumbling

"Josh I know he can be annoying but you're 18! You guys don't have the same strength, you can't just push him, what if he had really hurt himself and we had to go to the ER?!?"

"But mom he threw the damn thing on my head, I could've get hurt too!! Just because of a stupid game! He really has to learn how to lose"

"Josh I know that, but you were stupid to make fun of him knowing that he hates that" Kaid comes back so I clean his bruise and put the bandaid on

"Now you two listen to me, this is the last time you guys beat each other up like that, are we clear!?!"

They both nod "Now apologize and Kaid you go back in your room, no more video games for any of you two, Josh your father left a few scripts he wants you to work on so please do! And I'm working in my office, I don't want to hear a single thing from you two for the next hour...you guys are unbelievable"

I sigh slamming Josh's door and getting back in my office, hoping this time to get things done. I finally finish completely my script surprisingly without any of the boys interrupting every minutes

Finally somebody knocks on the door "Hey mom I wanted to ask you, I started to read that script dad gave me and I think it's perfect he should give it a chance"

"Honey you need to convince him, If you think it could really be something great work on it with him"

"Will he even listen to me? I mean-"

"Honey of course he will, I'm actually glad you want to save it, it's a great idea! You should talk to him when he gets back home"

"Alright, thanks mom" As he's about to step out of the my office he comes back and sits down "Mom why are you so protective over Kaid? I mean he always gets away with stuff and you were not so much like that with us"

I first smile then take my glasses off as I realize he's actually being serious about that "What do you mean honey?"

"You always take his defense and even when he's wrong you barely say anything to him"

"I have to admit I sometimes let him get away with little stuff but I'm never unfair Josh"

"You are sometimes...."

"Unfair? Never Josh...I let him get away with little stuff but I'm never unfair and by the way it doesn't give you the right to be violent with him...he's 10 and  you're 19 Josh. You can't fight like that with him"

"But mom the kid is sometimes a jerk! And you don't say any thing!"

"Shut up Josh! Don't yell at me I'm not your girlfriend or something. If he's being annoying you're his big brother, you ask him to stop, you punish him or you come to dad and I but you can't beat him!"

"Alright I'll punish him then...I'm sorry for yelling at you, I just want you to be authoritative with him too like you were with us...but I guess he's your baby"

"It's alright honey, and yes he's the only baby I have left, but you guys are still my babies too" I get up and go give him a huge kiss on the forehead

"Ughh mom don't please" I continue teasing him until he gets  up "Motheeeer!"  He walks out of the room "I love you!"  "Me too"

"I'm home!! I brought food!" I get to the kitchen where Brad has many boxes with Mexican food and Ally is putting the plates on the table

"Ally we bought you an appartement for a reason, and now you're coming eating our food?" I quickly kiss her, handing her the food

"Yeah but I never miss some good Mexican food and anyway dad said I could come"

"Hmm so how was your day?"

"It was actually pretty great, Cameron and I had breakfast at his parents..."

"Oh mister and miss perfect job? How was it?" I smirk thinking about how weird our last dinner was "Mother...it was great they actually invited me next weekend to their country house"

"Well that's nice honey where is it?" Brad asks " It's in Napa valley, they used to go there when Cam was a little boy"

"Woah somebody's getting laid this weekend..." Josh laughs "Shut up Josh! What the fuck?!" Kaid is now laughing too, much to Brad's horror, thinking of the idea

"Josh we certainly do not need to hear that," "Maybe you want to tell us about your girlfriend" Ally smirks surprising me "Honey...you have a girlfriend?"

"That's my boy!" Brad gives him a high five "Ally you couldn't just shut up?" "You told our parents I was getting laid, you searched for it!" She laughs as he gets up and gets outside

"Why is he so mad about it anyway there's nothing wrong with that"

"He doesn't tell us anything anyway, I don't understand"

"Honey, maybe that's because you overreact and immediately want to know everything about his dates" Brad kisses me before getting up

"Maybe he doesn't have a girlfriend and in fact is an alien, and whenever he sneaks out it's to go back on his real planet!"

"Kaid you really need to stop watching those movies" Ally rolls her eyes "He sneaks out?!" I look at Brad who obviously knew that "What do you want he's a boy and he's 19"

"Oh my god...and I'm the only one not knowing anything about my son" I get up a little frustrated "Give him time honey, he will tell us about her eventually if it's serious"

"Yeah..." I look at him outside throwing a ball over and over. He's gotten so big and it's surreal to think he's dating already even if he's 19...my baby

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