Mother's Meddling

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"William Bradley Pitt!"

I jump out of bed to the all familiar voice. The only one other than Jen's that can scare me enough that I feel like hiding.

My mother is here. And she is not happy.

"Get down here! I know you're home!"

I shamelessly walk downstairs, not ready at all for the lecture I know I'm about to be getting.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I didn't think I raised an asshole."

"How do you know?"

"I'm your mother, Brad. I know when something is wrong. How many times has Jen told you something was wrong with the kids? We know these things."

"But I told you everything was fine on the phone."

"And you were a teenager once. I could always see right through your lies. You told me Jen was with her friends, you really didn't think I would tell her to have fun?"

"So she told you?"

Part of me wants to go over and argue over this, wanting to know why things can never be kept between the two of us, but a bigger part of me wants the help. I want to know what I need to do to help fix us.

"She told me that she was spending some time at Courteney's house thinking. She didn't have to say anymore than that for me to know something is wrong... and I'm not an idiot. I've seen the two of you recently, it isn't good, Brad. You're taking advantage of her, and she's hiding her feelings. You both need to wake up."

"But I don't think she wants to, mom. She's let us go, herself go... holding on by a thread. Like she just doesn't care anymore, and I guess I can't really blame her for it, but it makes me feel like I'm not good enough either."

"Honey, I love you to death, but if you ever talk about your wife like that again, I will hurt you. She has not let herself go, she's grown up. She's had four children! She's taken care of them, given up things for them, and while I know you have too, she's done so much more. She has given you everything you've always told us you wanted, and now you repay her by acting like she isn't good enough?"

"Brad she's always trying, whether you see it or not. I didn't come here just to defend her, but I know what it's like to be a wife trying to support your husband when all he tries to do is push it away like it isn't needed, like there aren't any issues. It hasn't always been happiness for your dad and I, but luckily he grew up, and you need to, too."

"Things just aren't right, mom. She's not happy and I'm not either... at least not like we were. I feel like I have to do all kinds of exciting things just to have some entertainment in my life. We don't make each other laugh like we used to, or get excited about the simple things. I miss it."

"And sometimes that happens. You two need to communicate what you need though. You're both lacking there, especially her if she's not telling you how her feelings are changing, but this happens in almost every relationship. You've been through so much together, and you're starting a new chapter, it isn't supposed to be easy."

"I bought a spots car... because I thought it would make me cool, maybe make her more into me like before."

"And how'd that work out? Get you anywhere?"

"Yeah, in trouble."

"Midlife crisis is a normal experience, but you two should be going through it together, or at least attempting to. You going behind her back to buy a car is an asshole move, but she should also be open to realizing there's changes in your lives. You're both going through changes, your relationship is going to have some rough patches, that's part of life. You just have to remind yourself that you chose her years ago to spend your life with, go through all these ups and downs, and that you'll continue to chose her through everything. Even the times that are so hard you don't see yourself getting through them."

"There's not anyone else I'd even think about being with, we've been together this long, being with anyone else would be pointless. I'd be lost without her, but recently I feel like we can't stand each other. She pisses me off to no end, and it's like every little thing I do pisses her off. Before we could laugh it off, but now we can't."

"That's because some of the comments you've both been making really aren't funny. I know you guys don't take things too seriously, and sometimes that's great, but not everything can be funny. Some things are, and have to be serious. You both need to remember that."

"Do you remember when you were about 20, your dad decided we needed a new house? He wanted to change everything we had. We weren't in the best spot either, we fought all the time, things were hard. We hurt each other a lot over those few months, but we both knew whatever was going on would pass, that we'd continue to work on us and our relationship because we loved each other, and we had the three of you. You two have had one of the best relationships I've witnessed over the last 30 years, always there for each other, helping each other when it's needed. You can't just throw that away because you're tired or bored."

"I don't want to throw it away, I would never want that. I just want the old us back, even the people we were last year when we'd be spontaneous and more carefree. It's just so much more fun and exciting that way, but I know that's not how relationships always are. I just miss that."

"But Brad, you'll get it back. This is just a phase."

"I know."

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