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1 week later...

A week. He hasn't been in school for an entire week. It was Monday again, and guess who has been bothering me since he wasn't here? Fucking small dick William. And I feel like texting Grayson would be too awkward after what he said last week.

Reece and I had just gotten back from school to see that our parents had left for a trip for two weeks. Sometimes I wish they were here. Like the parties are great and everything but I never really get time with them. I know Reece must feel the same way, even though he tries to hide it.

"So... where has Grayson been?" I asked nonchalantly.

"He went on a very last minute trip to New York with his parents" Reece said giving me a look.

"Why?" He asked me getting suspicious.

"Just... William has been giving me a hard time in class lately" I say and Reece shoots up.

"I will kill him!"

"I swear if he goes near you tell me! I'm going to rip his head off!"

Knowing Reece that really could be the case.

"So when is he coming back?" I asked cutting in on his major profanity.

"Tonight he said he might stop by the house later" he spoke and I hid my sigh.

Later. Great. Let's hope everything stays the same. But maybe I don't want it to be the same. I'm just getting ahead of myself. Maybe I should figure out what he wants first. Because if he doesn't want to act on his feelings then there's no point of overthinking this entire thing right?

I went for a cold shower today. Let's hope this helps takes some stress away. I slipped on a bra and underwear before walking out and into my room.

"Ah!" I screamed once I saw a figure on my bed.

The figure rolled around showing his face. Fucking Grayson.

"You scared the shit out of me!" I yelled covering myself with a towel. I know I was wearing a bra and underwear but I'm not comfortable showing that much at the moment.

"You're over exaggerating" he rolled his eyes at me.

"Get. Out." I mutter to him.

"Get dressed and then we're going out." He says staying on his place in the bed.

I slip on a sweatshirt and some leggings.

"Let's go" he says leaving through my window. Were we going to talk?

I climbed out my window after him. I grabbed on to the tree. I reached for the lower branch and my other hand slipped. And I'm dead. I'm in heaven. How great is this? Now I can avoid Grayson!

I open my eyes to find myself in his arms. He caught me? He caught me.

He stood there as my arms were wrapped around his neck and he held me close to himself. It was just so cliche but so perfect at the same time.

"G-Gray you can put me d-down now" I stuttered nervously. I don't think I have felt so close to him in such a long time. Mentally and physically. And it felt like I was on cloud 9.

But he didn't put me down. He kept me there.

"I don't want to" he whispered.

"Why?" I said my eyes drifting to his lips.

"Because when I let go of you we have to pretend that nothing happened"

It was true. For Reece's sake we could never be anything more than friends. And as much as I want to kiss him, more than anything, I couldn't. Because that would hurt my brother. I know it would.

He put me down slowly and we both snapped out of our intense eye contact. And now we forget what just happened. Just like he said.

We got in his car and he started driving. I stared at him as he drove before looking out of the window. What am I going to do? That fan girl of Grayson Dolan is back in me.

"How was New York?" I asked him. New York is my dream place. I have been wanting to go there since I was a kid. I just wanted to live in the city.

"It was good. Look in that pocket" he pointed to a pocket in the car. I open it up and find a small box.

I opened it to find a necklace with a New York skyline. Mara was written across it. I felt myself cover my mouth as I stared at it.

"Grayson Dolan! Why?!" I exclaimed staring at it almost crying. It was delicate but so beautiful.

"You don't like it?" He joked seeing my expression.

"It's so gorgeous!" I practically yelled.

The car came to a complete stop. He grabbed the box from my hand and got out of the car.

I realized we were at the lake that we used to spend our summers nights at. During summer this is where our parties would be. I guess I never realized how truly beautiful it was.

I stepped out of the car and felt something cold on my chest.

"It's gorgeous" I whisper touching it with my fingertips. It was pure white gold and it was obvious.

"Should we go for a walk?" He says holding his hand out to me. I hesitated before placing mine in his. And that same feeling shot through my body.

We walked around the lake for a couple minutes before he began to speak.

"Did you miss me?" He said, chuckling to himself.

Then, I felt his eyes roam over to me and I didn't know what to respond.

"Yea, I did"

"Mara about what I said last week, I didn't mean it like that. I mean I see you as my little sister"

He did not.

Little sister.

"Yea you're just my big bro" I punched him on the shoulder playfully. But I actually felt like hurting him.

"So you understand that I don't like you right. You're just my best friends little sister"

The player inside Grayson had come shooting out. How did he just turn into such a dick so quickly?

"No I get it you have too many girls lined up to be with you. It's not like I'm significant to any of them. Right?" I asked unlatching our hands. I was stupid to start liking him again. I'm such an idiot.

I felt myself pulling away from him. I didn't want to be anywhere near him.

"Why would you lie and say 'you are everything' to me?"

"I just wanted to make you feel better"

"I should have known. You will always be Grayson the player Dolan won't you?" I chuckled pathetically to myself.

"I hate you" I spat like venom to him.

"I hate you" he only stared at me with an expression that I couldn't read.

But I love you so much more than I could ever hate you.

And I wish I said that to him. But would it make any difference?

"See you later Grayson" I said walking away from him. I could walk home. I just couldn't be driven by that coward.

I climbed up my tree and successfully got back into my room. I shut my window so no one else could get back up.

Then, I got dressed into my pajamas and cried myself to sleep. The last thought on my mind was Gray. And how could he be so heartless. I clutched my necklace as tears streamed down my face.

Slowly I realized that I had been crying because of Grayson and we aren't even in a relationship, and I cried much less when my boyfriend of 8 months cheated on me.

That's why I'm not sure I can be in the same room with Grayson and not be with him.

My Brother's Best Friend | G.D. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now