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It was now Thursday and I had already told Josh that I couldn't go with him to the party.

Luckily Kelsey and no one else pushed me on the subject so it worked out. I could tell Josh was a bit disappointed.

What matters is that things are the best they could be with Grayson, my parents, Kelsey, and Reece.

But I can't help but be reminded of how all of that, will go to shit once Reece finds out.

I sat with Kelsey at our lunch table before we heard yelling coming from outside.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" We heard cheers before I ran out. I had just realized that Reece and Grayson weren't in the lunch room.

I ran out and I guessed Kelsey had followed behind me.

I covered my mouth as I saw a big fight taking place in the parking lot. They were kids from a rival school. Lincoln High. I noticed one was Ashton. Ashton fucking Finley. He was always flirting with me. I assume to annoy Reece.

And there were eight guys fighting including Reece and Gray.

"Try it again assholes!" I heard Grayson yell as I stood in shock.

Grayson had a piece of glass in hand like everyone else that stood there. There was a bottle cap on the ground. They fucking broke a beer bottle to get glass to stab each other with? Who does that?

"We will!" Ashton shouted back.

All I wanted to do was run in there and stop all of this. But I knew the moment I stepped in there Reece would scold me. He knows how much I can't stand violence. Especially when he's involved.

"You think you can come to our school and mess with us?!" Reece exclaims.

"It was payback asshole!" One of Ashton's guys shouted back.

I saw Grayson getting even angrier.

I watched as he was about to puncture Ashton. I couldn't let him do this.

Before I could realize what I was even doing, Everyone fell into silence.


I swooped in front of Grayson, my eyes slammed shut.

"Grayson!" Reece shouted making me stumble back.

I open my eyes wide as I see a piece of glass close to my face. That was before Grayson dropped it to the ground and just stared at me.

"Oh shit Amara! Are you okay? You're still looking beautiful!" Ashton asks shaking me as I kept my eye contact with Grayson.

Had this changed anything? I wasn't even sure what was happening? He held sharp glass so close to my face. That shouldn't just happen should it?

I feel my breathe hitch as I see another piece of glass being raised. But this time it came from Ashton's side. There he was aiming towards Reece. And instinct came in. Protecting my brother was my instinct.

I jumped in front of my brother before squealing in pain.

"Amara!" Reece fell to the floor with me.

"I'm fine it's just a scrape" I whisper holding my side.

"Amara! I'm so sorry!" Ashton pleaded and I shut my eyes.

"Get out of here Ashton. You don't want me to tell Reece to beat you do you?" I threaten him and Reece truly glares at him making him flee.

I look up at Grayson before slowly looking at Reece.

"Why would you do that? You stupid girl!" Reece pouts making me chuckle.

"It's instinct to protect you Reece" I chuckle as he picks me up.

When I looked around for Gray he was nowhere. I found that to be a good thing.

I didn't know how I felt about what just happened. He was so violent and aggressive. It makes me think, would he ever hurt me?

The nurse office had sent me home to my worried parents.

"Amara Reynolds! What the hell happened?!" I hear dad grumble as I walk through the door.

"It was nothing. I just got a small scratch. I'll be fine" I hug him assuring I'm fine. I had endured a lot more than just a cut.

"Don't ever pull something like that again! Your brother can handle himself!" Mom scolds me. I try to hold back my eyes from rolling.

"So can I!" I defend myself.

"Go get changed! There's blood on your shirt" she says looking away from me.

They never used to be this overprotective of me. Except Reece. But mom didn't give a flying fuck what I did as long as it wasn't getting arrested.

But that night changed it all. It changed me. I was always paranoid of something happened. Reece would always have his friends over so I wasn't alone.

But my sleep never got better. I've been terrified of guys bursting into my house and beating me.

Let's just hope those self defense classes did something if something like that happens again.

I walked to my room to see Grayson sitting with his back to me.


He turned to face me and all I could do was stare.

"Mara, I didn't mean to do that I swear" he walked over to me and held my hand in his. And for some reason I flinched at his touch.

Was I scared of him? Of what he could? I guess he never showed that side of him to me.

"Mara" he breathed staring at me as I backed away from him slowly.

"You know- you know how much I hate violence Gray. And what? You still go and get into a fight with Ashton?!" I exclaimed as he tried walking closer to me.

"You don't understand Amara. They-"

"I understand perfectly. You can't keep your promises Gray."

I brought up the promise he had made me that night. No more violence, or fighting.

"Amara! You have to listen-"

"Listen to you break your promises?" I asked as I wiped a tear away.

"I was protecting you!"

"You were protecting me? Well now you're hurting me Gray. Is that what you wanted?"

"No Mara I swea-"

"I think we need a break."

"Yea sure we can go get ice cr-"

"A break from each other Gray"

And all of the sudden this made me think of the most heartbreaking scene in Friends.

"Amara you can't be serious?"

I didn't realize what I had just said. A break from him. A break from the one thing that gives me temporary peace at night.

"You are serious." He says turning around and pacing around the room.


"I really think you need to go Gray" I say looking at the ground. My heart was slowly breaking. With every single thing he said as I spaced out. His words meant nothing. I took those words and those promises, and they were broken.

"Goodbye Gray"

And then he was gone. And I felt empty inside.

I am so stupid. So fucking stupid.

My Brother's Best Friend | G.D. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now