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1 week later...

Things were starting to look up. I had been taking care of myself and moving on.

I only saw Grayson at school, I decided not to be around him for a little bit, not like that's going to last.

Things with my parents didn't get any better. We have been distant from each other lately.

Reece has been watching over me more often and Kelsey has been coming over everyday after school.

I walked downstairs to get some breakfast. Pop tarts were my specialty. Even though I have burnt them a few times.

"Morning fetus!" Reece walked over taking a pop tart from my plate making me smack his arm.

"Are you fucking kidding?! Make me another one!" I shouted angrily.

"Make? Puh-leaseeee it takes three seconds to put them in the toaster"

"You're still altering it!" I defended myself.

"On another note, mom and dad have some news. Which they were supposed to tell us awhile ago. But they want us here right after school"

"Whatever" I sigh running up the stairs to grab my backpack.

We drove to school with some quiet music. We stopped jamming out to music lately.

Before I knew it, we were at school. Bitter old school.

"Mar-Mar!" Kelsey came running over and we started walking in.

I looked back at the car and Reece and I met Graysons eyes. Big mistake, because every single time I see him, I fall in love all over again.

School went by slow today. There were awkward stares between us, but other than that it was just boring old school.

When we got back home I went up to my room quietly and stared out my window.

I thought about every time Grayson scared me, surprised me, and kissed me by that window.

I was scrolling through my album of photos with Grayson. I constantly found videos of us in his pool, watching movies, even pictures from before we were together.

Being Reece's sister was never great for me in school. I was just his little sister that no guys messed with. Except for that douchebag William, who I guess shouldn't have messed with me.

But then again, Grayson was always different from all the other guys, at least that's what Reece thought.

"Kids!" I heard my mom call from downstairs.

"Yea?!" I heard Reece.

"Come down! We have some news!" I heard my dads voice.

And it was so much more painful because I trusted him more than I trusted my mom. When in reality, it was both of them that caused this.

I heard a knock on my door and I sat up on my bed.

"Hey Mar-Mar" Reece walked in as I stayed quiet.

"Come on, you can't ignore them forever."

"I can try" I mumble.

"Let's just go hear what they need to say okay?" He says making me get up.

He throws his arm over my shoulder and we walk downstairs.

"Why don't you guys sit?" My mom says and we do.

I don't make eye contact with either of them. I love them, but I can't look at them.

My Brother's Best Friend | G.D. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now