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The sun was coming up as I sat awake at my desk. I held the photo of Reece, Gray and I. I just miss him so fucking much.

I was going to see Dax and Xavier for the last time. I had to face the music which is unfortunate.

"Mar-Mar?" There was a knock on the door. I set down the photo quickly and was faced with Reece.


"You don't have to do this you know?"

"I know" I assure him with a small smile.

He stared at me with sharp eyes, he could see right through my cold exterior.

"Reecy, I will be fine. They can't hurt me"

He walked with his shoulders drooping. He sat on my bed and stared at me.

"You're my little fetus of a sister Amara. You have to understand that I would do anything and everything for you."

"We are made of the same flesh and blood Mar-Mar. I'm stuck with you, so I can't lose you" he messes up my hair before leaving.

Reece, why the fuck are you making this even more difficult for me?

I haven't spoken to Grayson, nor do I want to. I mean what the hell would I even say?

"Ugh!" I murmur.

I pace around my room. Maybe Kelsey and I need a girls night.

I get ready before texting her.

Hey Kels, you free for a little girls night later today?

Yes! Of course!!

I smile before slipping my phone into my purse.

I grab my car keys and walk into the garage.

"Hey boo" I say patting the front of my car.

"I know I missed you too"

I sat in my car for a second before putting the prison in my gps.

One last time. Just one more time.

Once I arrived I stared at the wheel clutching it.

I sighed before slamming the door shut behind myself.

After checking in and all of that stupid stuff I was seated behind a glass window. I can't believe they still use the phone method.

I stared at the ground before I heard the door open. Xavier was brought in handcuffs with a orange jumpsuit on.

He picked up the phone staring blankly at me.

I copied his actions pressing the phone to my ear.



"Nice to know I still have my nickname" he smirks.

"Not so nice to me" I sneer.

"I only have one question for you. Since you explained most of it yesterday"


"What stopped you from chasing after me, and just letting me go?" I asked. He sat back in his seat crossing his open arm across his chest.

"I figured everyone deserves a chance at a normal life. I didn't get one. That shouldn't stop others from it."

He took a deep breath, "In other words, I wanted you to live your life without hating your parents, or being kidnapped."

And for a split second, just a split fucking second, I felt bad for Xavier.

But after that split second I was done.

"Goodbye Xavier" I say blankly.

"Till our next lives" he gave me a small nod.

"Till never" I nod back before seeing the last look he gave me, a smirk.

He was taken by an officer and a few moments later Dax appeared.

And I feared him the most.

I picked up the phone again and he copied my actions.

"Little girl" he huffed.

Each time I blinked I felt him punch me over and over again.


"You fucking coward" I whispered into the phone.

"You seemed more scared than me that night" he spat.

"You are a coward. Cowards aren't only afraid of things. They are also little pieces of shit that should rot in hell"

"I was only following orders" he defended.

"Your orders were to beat a 12 year old? To traumatize them?"

"My orders were to send a message to the Reynolds family" he stared at me with no emotion.

"You sure did that"

"And I hate you"

"You should" he spoke.

"You would be insane not to"

"You know, you were locked up last night, and I still couldn't sleep." I say.

"Maybe it was something else keeping you up"

"Maybe. Or maybe you have ruined me entirely." I spat.

"What's that boys name, Grape- Gru?"

"Oh Grayson was it?" He asks.

"Go. To. Hell. Dax."

"I'm already heading there. But let me give you a small piece of inquiry"

"What is it?"

"It wasn't me keeping you up last night. It was that boy Grayson"

I stare at him with disbelief.

"Nice seeing you Ms. Reynolds. See you soon" he smirked getting up.

"Soon? More like never Dax" I say angrily.

I hope he rots in there.

I didn't move, the phone was still pressed to my ear. I was staring at an empty chair through the glass.

"Fuck this" I dropped the phone and ran out of there.

"Fuck this!" I shouted hitting my steering wheel.

"Fuck all of this shit!"



Yes, even him.

Because he let me down when I needed him most.

So fuck you Grayson. You disappointed the hell out of me.


When I got home I slammed the front door shut and ignored my parents who called my name as I ran to my room.

There was no way I was talking to them.



I slammed my door shut behind me.

A few hours later the only people I allowed in my room were Kelsey and Reece.

When Kelsey came we watched all of the heartbreaking movies we could think of.

The only one that seemed to get me was The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.


"Hmm?" She replied focusing on the movie.

And here I was debating if I should tell her about Grayson.

"Never mind"

My Brother's Best Friend | G.D. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now