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I woke up rubbing my eyes before I saw Grayson walk in with a big tray. I smile as he sets it down for me. There was pancakes, bacon, and fruit.

"You really went all out didn't you?" I smile.

"I'm in love what can I say?" He says as if he's daydreaming.

"You're so cute!" I squeal pinching his cheeks.

"Hey! I am not cute! I am manly!" He huffed.

"Oh yes you are!" I wrap my arms around his neck holding him close before kissing his cheek.

"Just eat"

"You know you like it when I call you cute"

That all it took for him to grab me and hover on top of me. Moments like these created so much sexual tension between us. But he said he wanted to take it slow. And we are a week into our relationship. Which was defined yesterday as girlfriend/boyfriend.

"And if I do" he whispered.

"Well if you keep all this up then you will fuck up my pancakes" I whisper back before he laughs.

"I love you" he bends down and kisses my cheek.

"I love you too" I pop up and peck his lips.

I finally got to eat my pancakes and can I say they are delicious!

"Here have some" I raise the forkful of pancake to Graysons mouth.

"Nope" he pops the "p".

"Come on why not? Pretty please!"

"Fine!" He gives in. He frowns as I put the pancake in his mouth making me chuckle.

"Wait what time is it?" I asked before Grayson looked at his phone.

"It's 8:00" he says and my jaw drops.

"You're saying you woke me up before 12 on a fucking weekend!" I yelled at him and he laughed. When I could sleep I didn't like to be woken up.

"It's not funny!" I whine throwing a pillow at him.

"Calm down gorgeous" he murmurs.

"What do you mean calm down?! 8 in the fucking morning!"

"Mara, chill"

"Fine" I frown eating a blueberry.

"How can I be the cute one when you're so fucking adorable" he reached over pinching my cheeks before I slapped his hand away.

"I know I'm adorable" I cocked my head at him.

After a few hours of us watching Netflix and cuddling I decided I had to get back home before Reece noticed I wasn't home to begin with.

"Bye gorgeous. I love you" he kissed me passionately before unlocking the car doors.

"I love you too handsome" I reached over and pecked his lips again before getting out.

I climbed my tree and made it back in my room. Reece and I had put an automatic lock on my window when Grayson had started coming through it to hang out with him. Only people with the key could get in. I gave Gray my spare key a couple days ago.

When I got back in I realized I forgot my clothes at Graysons and I still had his on. I smiled at his clothes. They smelled like his cologne which I also loved.

I had to change in case Reece barged into my room. Even if it was locked. It was the crazy protective Reece.

I quickly changed into my sweatpants and sweatshirt.

My Brother's Best Friend | G.D. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now