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"Come on" he took my hand in his.

"Gray, I missed y-"

"Let's have one last night together Mara" he pulled me in close to him.

"I'm not ready to lose you just yet" he kissed my forehead.

I just wanted to hug him and tell him that I would never be ready to leave him.

We sat in the back of his car where he had put a mattress.

He started Another Cinderella Story and instead of watching that, I watched him.



"I'm so sorry for what I did" I said.

"You don't have to apologize Mara. You had to choose between me or your brother. At the time I didn't understand how you could do it, but after your speech..."

"I knew exactly why"

"I'm still so sorry" I whispered.

"I love you Mara, and you're right. When I lost you, I lost a part of myself. But now that you're laying next to me, it's back"

I love you too. How much I would give to say that to him. He was mine, then he wasn't. I lost him.

I placed my head on his chest as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"What's going on with you and Ashton?" He asked concerned.

"He's like my best friend. I never would have survived this break up without him. And you guys seemed like you were getting along pretty well at the party?"

"Yea, reminiscing in the past and all that. I guess I actually missed him." He said.

"He's a good guy Gray, maybe too good for you and Reece in school"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Gray, be honest, you and Reece were total dickheads in sophomore and junior year right? You guys acted like you owned the school. People didn't even want to be my friend because Reece was my brother"

"Yea maybe we were a couple of dickheads. But hey you didn't mind me in senior year" he teased.

"Not one bit" I smiled.

We didn't talk for the rest of the movie but when it was over I looked up to Grayson to see he was sleeping.

I smiled at him.

"I miss you so much" I whispered. I see something shining from under his shirt.

I pull it out. The necklace. He wore it?

"I've been wearing it since you gave it back to me that night." He said startling me.

"Fucking hell Gray" I said holding my heart as he laughed.

"Mara, this necklace is yours"

He took it off of himself.

"It was for you to keep that dream of New York. So now you're taking it back." He tied it around my neck.


"No Mara, it's yours. It was never meant for me to take back. I gave you that necklace before we even started dating. It doesn't have to be a symbol of relationship, but of our friendship"

My Brother's Best Friend | G.D. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now