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"Amara, what the fuck is this?!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Reece I-"

He stomped out of my room and grabbed his phone.

"Grayson, come over after dinner. We can have a little bro night" Reece then hung up his phone.

"Reece please calm down"

"Shut the fuck up!" He yelled.

"I asked for one promise Amara! Someone that I had and that you didn't!"

"Reecy, I can ex-"

"How are you going to explain this?!" He threw the ring at the ground and it kept rolling.

And all the sudden I couldn't see it.

"What did you do?!" I screamed.

"You won't need it anyway! You guys are done!"

I fell to the floor feeling with my hand where the ring was. I was so scared it went down the air vent.

Tears started falling as I couldn't find it.

"Downstairs now!" Reece yelled.

My lips were trembling as I grabbed the necklace. At least he didn't mess this up.

I walked downstairs wiping my tears and gripping the necklace in my fist.

After awhile of us sitting in complete silence the doorbell rung. He should not have come, he should have ran.

"Hey wha-"

And then Grayson had a bloody nose.

"Reece!" I screamed running over and Grayson gave me a confused look.

I quickly got a cloth for Graysons nose and handed it to him.

"Both of you sit now"

We followed his orders knowing that Reece was serious. More serious than I have ever seen him before. And that scared the hell out of me.

"Explain everything before I punch him again" he told me.

"It started the day that William cheated on me, later on in the night" I said sobbing.

"Keep. Going." Reece said angrily.

"We started dating a few days after we had that fight in the driveway with everyone"

"You guys have been doing this behind my back for 6 fucking months?! 6 fucking months!" He yelled.

"Reece, I know you're mad-" Grays started.

"Shut up Grayson!" Reece snapped.

I put my face in my palms to hide my teary face.

"Fuck you Amara!" Reece shouted making my heart drop.

"Hey man calm down" Grayson defended me.

"Fuck you too! Fuck both of you!" He shouted.

"You and me" he pointed at me and then himself.

"We are done, until you guys are done"

He ran to his room and I ran after him. He slammed the door in my face as I sobbed and begged for him to forgive me.

"Reece please!" I sobbed.

"I can't lose you" I whispered banging on the door.

Grayson stayed by my side as I sat outside his door.

"Reece! Please! I'm so fucking sorry!" I pleaded.

"Don't do this Reece" I whispered.

I looked up to Grayson, "Gray I'm so sorry, Reece threw the ring and I can't find it anywhere" I sobbed and he fell to the floor and held me as I was screaming and sobbing.

"There is no ring in the world that can show how much I love you" he cooed in my ear to calm me down.

"I love you Mara. And I promised you that when everything is against you, including my best friend, that I would stand beside you. And I will keep that promise" he whispered.

But I couldn't keep my promise. I'm such a terrible sister, an even worse human being.

How could I do this to the one person that was supposed to be constant in my life.


Two days later...

It was Monday and Grayson was going to pick me up and we would go to school together. I guess we are finally making it "official".

I had already told and warned Kelsey about all of this when she came over yesterday. She seemed a bit off. But I forgot about it.

Reece hasn't spoken a word to me and yesterday I used the spare key dad gave me to his condo. I packed a suitcase and left. I know when I'm not wanted.

But I never thought Reece would be the one who didn't want me.

I got ready for school and I heard my phone ring.

"Hey" I answered Grays call.

"Hey yea I'm parked downstairs so come down whenever you're ready"

"Okay thanks I love you"

"I love you too"

I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder.

I took the elevator down. It felt weird living alone. Being alone at night was scary. I hadn't done that in awhile. Reece was always there.

"Hey" Grayson pecked my lips as I got into the car.

"Hey" I sighed.

When we got to school and got out of his car he held my hand gently as we walked in.

And the stares could burn right through you.

But the stare that did burn right through me and killed me was Reece's. I saw him getting out of his car.

"Hey man" he came up to Grayson and gave him a fist bump giving me hopeful eyes that he would say something to me.

"Catch you later" he said before speeding off.

"You guys have been talking?" I asked confused.

"Yea he um, he said he got over it."

"Then why isn't he talking to me?" I whispered.

"Maybe he's just trying to piss you off or something"

But I knew Grayson was just trying to cushion the blow of what Reece was really doing.

But why is he mad at me? I'm his sister. Why not Grayson? Why was he able to be good with Grayson so quickly?

"See you later gorgeous" Grayson kissed my forehead before I walked to first period.

The schools day passed terribly slow. Especially lunch when Reece was sending glares my way the entire time.

When Grayson had finally dropped me back at the condo I felt lonely. There was no one to mess up my hair and call me fetus.

I dug through my suitcase. I picked up the framed photo of the three of us. I miss those days. The unproblematic days.

"And now we are here, and my own brother hates me. At least until I break up with Grayson" I mumble.

My Brother's Best Friend | G.D. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now