Roli's arranged marriage

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Roli was getting ready...

Yes.. she was getting ready as a bride...

Her relatives were around her...

They were her cousins...

One of her cousin was putting bangle on her hand...

One was putting anklet on her leg...

One was making plait on her hair...

Cousin1: Roli... you are looking so beautiful...

Roli gave no expression...

Cousin2: I think he wont be able to lift his eyes from you after seeing you this beautiful...

No reaction...

Cousin3: Is Siddhant less handsome.. She will be flat seeing him too...

This cousin was having eye on Siddhant.. so she expressed her feelings in this way...

But there was no changes on Roli...

Cousin1: That is also right... 

All laughed...

Cousin2: Roli.. hope you will remember all of us after marriage...

Cousin3: Where she will be finding time for thinking about us... 

The teasing continued...

But none of those words were giving any difference on Roli...

She was expression less.. She was sitting with dry face...

Why not???

She is not at all interested in this so called marriage...

How she will even have interest...


Her father fixed her marriage with this so called Mr. Siddhant when she was just child...

In fact that was not even known to Roli...

In the meantime.. Jamnalal got transferred to Delhi and his family with his wife Meena & Roli too got shifted...

Roli schooling.. college.. everything was happening in Delhi only...

They got no time to come to this village even...

That is when Suddenly Jamanlal got a call...

Deep discussions were going on between Jamanlal & the other side in the phone...

After disconnecting the call... the message was giving by Jamanlal to Meena & Roli...

Message about Roli marriage...

Yes.. he got call from village reminding him about the marriage they decided between Roli & that so called guy...

Meena was aware as well about this marriage...

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