Punishment for you not me

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All had breakfast...

Siddhant: Maaji.. i am leaving to work...

He looked at ROli...

Siddhant; Maaji... i wont be coming to have lunch today...

Sujatha; Ok Siddhant... 

Siddhant with a smile went from there...

Roli knows why he wont come for lunch...

Instead he want her to take lunch for him...

Roli; Maaji.. shall i prepare food today...

Sujatha; you got cut Roli.. let me do it...

Roli; This cut is very small.. let it be.. i will prepare...

Roli put the vegetables for boiling...

Then started preparing chapathi...

She finished preparing lunch in sometime...

Now its lunch time...

She knows he is not going to come...

Roli; Maaji. shall i take lunch for Siddhant...

Sujatha; Ok... 

Roli packed the food and started from house...

Siddhant was busy in the work...

He noticed Roli.. but was unable to come as he was starting some equipment...

After sometime... Finishing the work... Siddhant came near Roli...

Siddhant; Roli...

Roli; Hmm.. have food.. i need to go home.. i got urgent work...

Siddhant; Urgent work.. what it is...

Roli; So many are there.. i cant list it.. 

Siddhant: Oh ok.. but keeping those urgent work aside.. why cant you take bath in the pond...

Roli gave a sharp look at Siddhant...

Siddhant; I just asked as you wanted to take bath in pond last time... nothing else.. if you dont want.. then its ok...

ROli; Yes.. i am not interested.. i dont want... you go and take bath...

Siddhant; Roli.. its not right to just deny like this...

Roli think for a while...

Roli; No Siddhant..i think well.. i am not interested...

Siddhant;' Not even for Siddhant...

Roli; Specially not for Siddhant... 

Siddhant show upset face...

ROli: even if i wish to.. i dont have dress for that...

Siddhant; No.. its there...

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