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Roli came out in her Jeans & Tshirt...

Meena was shocked seeing her...

She rushed towards Roli...

Meena; Roli.. what is this...

Roli; What mom...

Meena; WHy are you wearing this dress here.. instead of saree...

Roli; mom.. i wont feel comfortable in saree.. thats why...

Meena; But Roli.. its not matter of convenience.. you are in your in laws house.. that too newly married.. people may come to see you.. how they will feel if they see you in this...

Roli; Come on mom.. what is wrong in this dress.. see its covering fully and its very decent...

Meena; But Roli.. this is not our cultural dress.. did you see all of us.. we all are in cultural dress only.. then how come...

Roli: Oh God.. 

Roli remembered what Siddhant was telling her...

Yes.. she is unable to even reply to her own parents for wearing this...

But what he said... when he accept as she is.. 

She decided to use it as weapon...

Roli: Mom.. when he is not having problem and accepted.. then what is the problem...

Siddhant heard what Roli said & looked at her...

Roli knows though she argued with him inside.. she used his words as weapon now to protect her...

Roli gave a weird smile...

Siddhant with a smile came near them...

Siddhant; Maaji.. let her wear whatever she feel like.. i accept she is not comfortable in saree.. thats why she is wearing this.. no problem.. let her be...

Roli: Maaji.. you have seen.. in fact he is ok with this dress.. so leave it mom...

Roli expressed her thanks on her eyes while he moved from there with a smile...

Meena; Roli.. whatever reason you tell.. remember this is your in laws house.. you should behave properly.. you should not take undue advantage too.. 

Roli; Sure mom.. i will take care.. dont worry...

Jamanlal & Meena started from Village...

Roli wave bye to them while she realised getting far from her parents from now on...

Roli got tears and rushed inside the house...

Siddhant noticed that...

Sujatha: Siddhant.. it seems she is upset as her parents started.. go and take care...

Siddhant; Ok maaji...

Siddhant went inside while Roli was sitting in the bed with tears...

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