Application for studies

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Siddhant wake up and looked at Roli...

She was sleeping hugging the pillow like the previous day...

He smiled and went to fresh up...

After a while... He called someone and talk for a while...

Then went to hall...

Siddhant; Maaji.. i am going out today.. will be back only by evening...or may be night...

Sujatha; Ok Siddhant.. take care...

Siddhant started...

Roli wake up and looked around...

But the whole room was empty...

She thought.. may be he might have gone to fields...

What bothers her...

Roli fresh up herself and went out...

She went to kitchen...

Roli: Aunty.. shall i help you...

Sujatha; But Roli.. all the works completed already...

Roli: Oh ok.. i think i wake up late...

Sujatha; its city culture now a days to sleep late & wake up late too... But for us.. it wont work out.. we complete all the works early and sleep early.. Then as soon as sunrise we start our works and complete.. then only we can go to field to do our work...

Roli: Hmm.. i can understand...

Sujatha: you want to have something...

Roli; No.. i am not feeling hungry.. will have lunch like yesterday...

Sujatha: But its not right to keep the stomach empty in the morning.. one should not skip the breakfast...

Roli; Ok... but what can i have in this morning morning...

Sujatha; You too have the one which we all have.. its healthy too...

Sujatha gave some semi solid stuff to drink which contain all stuffs which is good for health...

They all have it in the morning as breakfast...

Roli: But what is this??? i never tasted...

Sujatha; Then taste it now... 

Roli drink it...

Roli: Hmm.. not bad...

Sujatha; Good.. you like it.. start having this daily.. then you an feel yourself as healthy...

Roli finished having it...

Roli: Siddhant too drink this only in the morning...

Sujatha was shocked hearing Roli telling her husband name...

Still she is from city and its something common there...

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