I accepted as you are

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Siddhant returned from field giving instruction to workers...

Meena was tensed that Roli is yet to get up...

She felt bad that she is behaving like this in the inlaw house...

Siddhant went backside to wash his legs while Meena rushed towards him...

Meena: Siddhant beta...

He stopped on her call & looked at Meena...

Siddhant; Yes maaji...

Meena: Beta.. Roli didn't came out of room yet.. 

Siddhant; May be she is sleeping... 

Meena: But this long... what elders will be thinking.. this is her in laws house...

Siddhant: So what maaji.. may be she is tired...

Meena: Thats right.. but still.. anyway we need to start in sometime.. can you please wake her up...

Siddhant smiled...

Siddhant: Maaji.. what is there to tell me.. you can very well go and wake her up.. she is your daughter...

Meena: But how can i get into your room...

Siddhant; So what.. atleast you should hesitate.. if i am also there.. now i am here.. 

Meena: ok.. i will go and wake her up...

Meena went towards his room where Roli was still sleeping...

When she entered into the room.. Roli was still sleeping hugging pillow beside her...

She rushed towards Roli to wake her up...

Meena: Roli.. Roli.. get up Roli...

Roli: Mom... let me sleep for some more time mom... 

Meena: Roli.. this is your in laws house and what is this you are doing like this...

Roli: So what mom if this is in laws house.. cant i even sleep in the in laws house...

Meena: But Roli.. Every one wake up and doing their works... 

Roli: Mom.. all got works to do.. what i got to do...

Meena: Roli.. first get up before i scold you...

Roli: Mom..

She wake up and sat on the bed...

Meena: Roli.. this is not good what you are doing...

Roli: What i did mom...

Meena: You are daughter in law of this house and you should show the responsibility... you should share works with your mother in law... 

Roli: Oh Mom... when i said i wont.. i used to share works with you too right...

Meena: But that is very small Roli... being daughter i used to give very simple and easy jobs to you.. but you should do much more here... that too in the village.. nature of works will be different.. 

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