Mission backfired

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Roli told her disinterest to accept the posting confidently...

Siddhant; But Roli.. i think you need to accept the posting...

Roli was shocked on Siddhant words...

Roli; Siddhant!!! Is it you who is telling me to accept the posting...

Siddhant; Yes Roli.. its me... I am telling for your good only...

Roli; What goodness Siddhant... already we lost years thinking about that goodness only... not again... ok...

Siddhant got up and went to opposite side of Roli... 

He sat opposite to Roli looking at her...

Siddhant; No... still i will tell you should accept it... i oppose your point that you are not going to accept...

Roli: Siddhant.. is it you who is opposing me!!!

Sujatha; Roli.. you dont worry.. let him oppose you.. i am with you... i support you...

Sujatha looked at Siddhant...

Sujatha; what are you talking Siddhant... she hardly came back to family after years of separation & you are telling her to join the duty...

Sujatha sat beside Roli...

Roli got breathe of relief that she got some support on her side...

Siddhant; Maaji... what are you talking.. she did hard work years together for getting this post and when she is getting why she should not accept it... you know out of lakhs of people few gets selected and Roli is one among them...

Meena; No Siddhant beta.. i am also going to support Roli only... so what if she did hard work all these years... so what if she is selected from lakhs... for her she got her own personal life.. husband.. family.. and its more important than working accepting that post...

Meena too sat with Roli the other side of her...

Siddhant; No maaji... you are wrong... we should not be selfish like that... that too when we get such public service chance... Police officer of the district is not small thing... she can do so many to the district itself with her powers... 

Jamanlal; Siddhant beta.. i am also going to support Roli only... Infact i used to tell the same point which she is telling now that it wont suit her.. she should take care of family... she should take care of her own life and it wont suit practically.. at that time she was not hearing my words.. she thought IPS officer is her aim, ambition, interest.. infact she decided to deny for this marriage itself... but i was clear on that day itself.. that its not going to work out.. now i am happy that my daughter have come to my point...

Siddhant; No.. its wrong... one cant be without aim.. without ambition.. without interst.. then what is there in the life if all do all boring stuffs in their life..  Roli was knowing that when she was fighting with you for these aims & ambitions.. now she is taking a wrong decision is my point...

Rajender; Siddhant... i am going to support Roli too... 

Siddhant; Pappa.. you too...

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