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Siddhant entered into the house...

Roli was sitting in the sofa of the hall waiting for Siddhant...

Siddhant sat beside Roli while Roli lean on his shoulder...

Roli; Siddhant.. its all because of you...

Siddhant; Come on Roli... why are you blaming me...

Roli: Then who else i can blame... you know i am unable to do any work...

Siddhant; Do whatever you can...

Roli; Feeling shy to face anyone...

Siddhant; Why you go out to face everyone.. send others and take rest inside...

Roli; very funny... i am not paid to sit and take rest...

Siddhant; Do whatever easy job you can do Roli.. no one will tell anything...

Roli: above all.. there was a meeting today.. you know how difficult it was for me...

Siddhant; i can understand your difficulty yaar...

Roli; ABove that... kick.. punch.. everything.. only at the time of meeting...

Siddhant; Roli.. why you went to kick & punch someone.. that too during the meeting...

Roli; Oye Siddhant.. when i went to kick & punch... 

Siddhant; Then...

Roli; Its all this Junior Siddhant... not idle for single minute inside... keep on moving here & there.. kicking.. punching...

Siddhant: Why Junior Siddhant... it can be Junior Roli too.. if its good in kick & punch.. then its surely Junior Roli.. 

Roli; Is it...

Siddhant; Then what.. the person who is getting all kick & punch will know right.. how it will be... 

Roli: You mean... i am kicking & punching you...

She gave angry look...

That is when the junior inside gave another kick...

Roli: ooch... see how your Junior is getting anger if i even look at you angrily.. its kicking me...

Siddhant; Come on Roli... when i was angry... its always you who always get anger.. even in that way.. its your Junior only.. Junior Roli...

ROli: Siddhant.. so i am angry girl.. i give kick & punch right... good that finally your said those words which you wanted to say all these days...

Siddhant; Oye Roli... what is this yaar.. did i told anything.. did i started anything.. come on Roli... this is not fair... its you who blamed that i am reason...  as if you were not interested in this Junior...

He asked kissing her cheeks... Roli blushed...

Roli; Siddhant.. i am also trying to make you angry atleast once.. but you are hopeless...

Siddhant; You cant get me angry... as whatever i do is for Roli & i accepted Roli as she is... then where is question of anger...

Roli; I love you...

Siddhant; I love you too...

He kissed on her forehead...

Siddhant; If you find much difficulty then you take leave.. we will go to Vrindavan...

ROli; Its matter of few more days.. then anyway Maternity leave starts.. so no problem...

When they were talking.. suddenly Roli got pain...

Roli; Siddhant. its paining...

Siddhant rushed to call the doctor and took Roli in his arms...

He dropped Roli in the car and get into the driving seat...

In few minutes of drive.. they reached the hospital...

Doctor kept everything ready & Roli was taken inside...

Siddhant called their parents & informed about Roli admitted in the hospital...

After couple of hours of hardship... Roli delivered a baby girl...

Roli was shifted to room...

Nurse bring the baby wrapped with a new towel and gave it to Siddhant...

Roli; Siddhant.. 

She expressed to show the child...

Siddhant took the baby near her and show her...

Roli; Siddhant.. you saw.. she is just Junior Siddhant.. She just resembles you...

Siddhant; True Roli... 

He looked at Roli...

Siddhant; Was it so painful...

Roli; yes it was.. but when i see you and your junior.. i forgot all the pain... 

Siddhant smiled...

Roli got discharged from the hospital...

Siddhant took Roli directly to Vrindavan...

They arranged for the naming ceremoney & kept the name as 'Siddhi'

Lets pray to God that the couples with their baby live & love forever

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