Happy suffering

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Roli tried to read Siddhant expressions...

Siddhant; Roli.. i didn't intend to hurt you... 

Roli; When i said that... I know you tried to explain or clarify me the points... do you think i dont know any of those.. i am the one who fought with my own father for all those points before our marriage... i told him.. i dont want any love or marriage... i told him my aim is what i want.. i want to achieve.. i want to add colour to my life.. but he was not ready to listen.. 

Jamanlal; I am sorry Roli...

Roli; Its ok pappa.. Its true that i was having hard feeling on you when you got me married under compeltion.. but when i realised to whom i got married... when i realised how good he is.. when i realised i am in love with him... i only thank you for doing this marriage to me...

jamanlal & Meena looked at each other...

Roli; Coming to point... i know all the clarification which you gave me... as i said... i did argued myself for that... But Siddhant.. did you remember Neither the passing of exam nor success in training gave the happiness to me... When i received the letter of Posting.. i was suppose to jump from sky to ground.. why i didn't do that... It clarified.. the love towards you pushed my aim & ambition to 2nd place... When i need to sacrifice my love which is in my 1st place to achieve the one which is in 2nd place.. i was not getting happy... 

Siddhant; Roli.. but...

Roli; Siddhant... When my love want to push the aim & ambition to 1st place and give importance to that.. do you think i can deny...

She said holding his cheeks with her right hand...

Siddhant; Roli... are you upset...

He asked holding her cheeks...

Roli; No Siddhant... i am only surprised yaar.. how good you are... how much sacrifice you will do for my aim & ambition yaar... dont i know the suffer is not Roli alone.. Its Siddhant who is going to suffer more than this Roli...

Siddhant got tears...

Roli; No.. Siddhant.. if you go weak.. then who will handle me... 

Siddhant wipe his tears...

Siddhant; I will handle you Roli...

Roli; When you are there to handle me... i am ready to face anything...

Siddhant; You mean...

Roli; I will join the duty as per Order.. are you happy now...

Siddhant got no words...

He forgot everyone and pulled her towards him...

Roli lean on his shoulders...

Siddhant; I love you...

Roli; I love you too...

Elders saw the depth of love in these love birds and admired...

Still Sujatha adjusted her voice to reveal their presence...

Roli & Siddhant swiftly moved away from each other with a blush...

Sujatha; We are happy for you Roli...

Roli smiled... 

Roli: I am sorry.. i didn't intend to hurt anyone... if i did that.. i feel sorry for that...

Elders: No Roli.. we are only concern about your happiness and we are happy only...

Roli looked at Siddhant...

Roli; But Siddhant... 

Siddhant; Hmm...

Roli: you will have punishment for this..

Siddhant; For what...

Roli; For whatever drama you planned for me...

Siddhant; But Roli...

Roli; You know right... how my punishment will be...

ROli raised her eyebrows and looked at Siddhant...

Siddhant; You mean...

Roli; Yes.. happy suffering...

Roli rushed inside their room and locked the door...

Siddhant; OMG... this girl is really unbelievable...

Suajtha; Siddhant.. what is happening.. what is the punishment she is talking about...

Siddhant; Woh.. woh.. Didn't you see her locked the room keeping me outside...

Elders understood what sort of punishment it is...

Elders chuckled...

Siddhant was wondering how to go about...

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