Roli cleared the exam

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Exams were all given...

Roli & Siddhant return to their village...

Still the same continued...

Sujatha did noticed the dullness on Roli..

Earlier she was thinking.. its because of stress of the studies...

But now she even finished her exams...

And finally she asked that to Siddhant...

Sujatha; Siddhant.. why Roli is so dull... 

Siddhant; Nothing like that maaji...

Sujatha; NO Siddhant... all these days.. i thought as she is studying.. now even after exams.. why she is like that.. is it because.. she didn't wrote exams properly...

Siddhant; No maaji.. she wrote exams very well...

Sujatha: Then what is the problem...

Siddhant; Nothing.. just leave it.. everything will get alright...

Sujatha; Whatever... take care of her.. she is your responsibility...

Siddhant; Yes maaji...

Days were passing...

Finally the much awaited result has come...

Yes... Roli pass in the IAS exam...

Siddhant came home with the sweet box...

Siddhant took the sweet and tried to feed Roli... While Roli didn't open her mouth...

Then he dropped the sweet and forward the box...

Roli: This is for what...

Siddhant; This is for my wife got passed in the IAS Exam...

Roli; Oh ok...

Yes.. this was her expression for the success on her aim.. ambition...

Sujatha; Roli.. you have achieved something great.. while just telling 'Oh ok...'   

Roli; As i learn from someone that only that much should be expressed...

That is when Roli parents entered into the house...

Meena; COngrats Roli...

She rushed towards Roli & hug her...

But she cant find any happiness from Roli...

Jamanlal: Siddhant beta.. you know she was not believing that she can do this after marriage & you made it to happen..

Siddhant; I didn't do anything.. Its all her hardwork...

Meena; Now she need to go on training for 2 years right...

Roli didn't even wish to sit there...

Roli got up and went inside her room...

Jamanlal & Meena looked at Siddhant surprised...

Jamanlal: Siddhant beta.. what happened... why is ROli like this... THis was her ambition and she achieved it.. then why such happiness missing on her face...

Meena: Thats what i am wondering.. leaving that.. she was not even interested to see or talk to me... her own mother...

Sujatha; I was also asking Siddhant about her dullness only.. I really cant understand.. 

Siddhant went near their room and locked it outside...

Then Siddhant talk with all elders for a while...

All were shocked...

Siddhant; Hope you all understand now... SO let it go on the way it is going...

All agreed...

Siddhant opened the lock and looked into the room while Roli was on the bed with a dry look...

Siddhant looked at Meena...

Siddhant; You go and talk to her in general.. she may feel better... 

Meena went inside and sat beside Roli...

Meena; Roli...

Roli lay down on her lap shedding tears...

All the suppressed expressions came out as tears on her mother lap...

Meena caress her hair and tried to console her...

Siddhant who saw it slightly opening the door felt bad...

Siddhant too got tears...

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