Thanks and Sorry

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Roli wake up & found herself on Siddhant chest.. 

Her hands were wrapped around him tightly...

Siddhant hands were wrapped around her waist...

Roli remembered the moments they shared the previous night and blushed...

She lift her face & looked at Siddhant...

He was in deep sleep...

Roli kissed on his cheeks...

Siddhant wake up on her cute morning kiss...

Siddhant; Good morning Roli...

Roli; Good morning Siddhant...

He kissed on her cheeks...

Siddhant; Did you slept well...

Roli: Yes.. peacefully after years... though for less time...

Siddhant smiled...

Roli lean on his shoulder...

Roli; Siddhant...

Siddhant; Hmm...

Roli; Thanks & Sorry...

Siddhant; Thanks & Sorry for what???

Roli; Thanks for all the love you showered on me... 

Siddhant;  Thanks between us... for loving each other.. come on Roli... 

ROli: Sorry for mistaking you all these years... 

Siddhant; I need to say sorry.. I kept you in dark without telling why i am behaving so.. i made you to cry a lot.. still i can remember the moment you asked for 2 minutes & cry on my shoulder while i was standing helpless and on your birthday.. you ran away without able to to handle anymore...

Roli; Ok Leave all those... lets get up.. we are getting late...

Roli tried to get up while Siddhant hold her hand and pulled her towards him...

Roli fell on his chest again...

Siddhant; We are not going anywhere.. 

Roli: But you need to go to field...

Siddhant; No.. i am not going anywhere today.. i am going to be with Roli only the whole day keeping her inside my hug...

He tighten his grip around her...

Roli: Siddhant.. even if you are not going to field we need to go to hall.. What if maaji call us for having breakfast in sometime...

Siddhant; I will tell maaji.. not coming for any breakfast... while i got grand feast already with me inside my hug...

He kissed on her cheeks...

Roli; Siddhant... it wont be nice... staying inside room whole day.. come lets go.. 

Siddhant; OH NO.. 

His face turned upset...

Roli kissed on his cheeks...

Roli; Lets go and complete our works... after lunch i will come to you... 

She said with a blush...

Siddhant; Still.. i need to wait till that... 

Roli; What can be done for that Siddhant.. 

Siddhant; We can do something...

Roli; What...

Siddhant; Lets do something something so that we can handle till afternoon...

Siddhant pushed her to the pillow...

Roli; Siddhant.. we hardly slept nearing dawn...

Siddhant; So what.. Dont give lame excuses.. if you dont want something something.. do tell me.. i wont compel you...

Siddhant tried to move away while Roli hold his hand...

Siddhant with a smile moved towards her...

After long... 

Roli pushed Siddhant gently with a blush...

She swiftly wrapped the towel around her and rushed towards bathroom to have bath..

Siddhant smiled...

When Roli was taking bath...

Siddhant swiftly took his mobile and started his mission...

Yes.. mission towards Posting of Roli...

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