It's time to return

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Roli room mate too slept... While she was not getting sleep...

How she will when she was having the gift pack yet to open which was given by Siddhant...

Roli was thinking.. what is this gift pack now... 

Is this what i wanted...  you know how much i am missing you...

Still she cant stay quiet without opening the gift pack...

She opened the pack and saw a cute teddy bear...

Also there was a letter inside...

She read that letter...

'Roli.. i know you sleep hugging pillow...

Now this teddy bear has come to take the place of that pillow...

Happy birthday - Siddhant...'

Roli looked at the teddy bear...

Roli; You are going to give company to me... i dont want any company.. you understood.. stay away from me...

Roli kept the teddy far and closed her eyes... While she was not getting sleep...

After turning sides without sleep... Finally Roli took the teddy beside her...

She hug the teddy tightly and slept on its shoulder...

Days were moving...

Roli was performing very well in the training...

Physical as well as theoretical or practical tests.. she pass with good marks...

After complete 2 years of training in various places... now...

Training is coming to an end...

Now its time to return to their home...

Roli applied for the district her village is...

All started packing clothes.. and their things...

Roli room mate kavitha looked at Roli...

Kavitha: Roli... you never shared anything about you all these days... at least tell us now...

Roli; There is nothing great to share Kavitha...

Kavitha; You are married right...

Roli: Yes...

Kavitha; Good that your husband sent for this training and all even after marriage... to avoid such problems only i didn't marry till now..

Roli: Ok...

Kavitha; You never told anything about your husband.. he should be so supportive to you right...

Roli; Yes he is...

Kavitha; Roli.. when everything is there.. then why you were always dull... never expressed anything about anyone.. I have not even seen you looking at his photo...

Roli: What is the need to do all those ... we have come here for training & we should concentrate on that only...

Kavitha: WHo will come to take you...

Roli; Not sure whether they know about today being last day.. as i didn't contacted anyone.. so i think i need to go myself...

Kavitha: Are you mad??? why you didn't informed them...

Roli; I thought i can go myself... what is there in it...

FInally packing is complete...

Roli took her bag and got ready...

When she came out...

Siddhant was waiting in the car with a smile...

Kavitha noticed Roli looking at the car...

Kavitha; Roli.. is this your husband...

Roli; Yes.. he is...

Kavitha; He is handsome Roli.. 

Roli; i know that.. bye...

Roli rushed from there... 

She didn't get into the car and started walking on the road...

While Siddhant went behind in slow speed making horn...

Roli who got irritated with his horn turned and looked at Siddhant...

Siddhant opened the door and expressed to get in...

Roli opened the back door and throw the bags behind...

Then came to front seat to sit...

Siddhant with a smile started from Training center towards their village...

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