Villian of my life

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Roli was called by Meena for having dinner...

She went with Meena and sat beside Siddhant...

But still she got no interest to look at him...

Someone told him to feed Roli...

He forward his hand towards her.. while she refused to open her mouth...

Roli; Sorry.. i am not used to share food like this with anyone...

Roli swiftly finished her dinner and went to room...

Meena came near ROli...

Meena: Roli.. why are you doing all these...

Roli: What i did mom.. even i did this marriage for you and pappa.. then what else you want...

Meena; Roli.. is just getting married going to complete the life.. you need to live with him happily... then only we can be happy...

Roli: Mom.. i am sorry.. i can accept and marry for my parents wish.. but if you wish i should smile or talk to him then its not going to happen.. as i am neither interested in this marriage.. nor at him...

Meena: Roli.. this is nor right.. you are married.. you are his wife... only if you both love mutually then life will be happy...

Roli: Please mom.. i think no use of compelling me.. its a feeling mom.. it cant happen just because you are telling me... 

Meena; It might have been better if you denied for this marriage instead of doing like this...

Roli: I tried mom.. but pappa was not in a position to her... but at the same time.. i was not interested to hurt him like how he did to me.. thats why i did this marriage...

Meena; Roli... its between you and your father.. what mistake that innocent guy have done to you...

Roli; Its not my mistake mom...

Meena; Its not his mistake either.. he dont even know the discussions happened between you and your father.. for what your father fixed this marriage for what you got married...

Roli: What you want me to do now.. 

Meena; Just accept him as your husband... behave like his wife.. hope you understand...

Roli took deep breathe...

Roli; Ok.. what to do now...

Meena; Get ready.. he will be waiting for you...

Meena gave her new lehenga to wear...

Roli changed to the lehenga...

Meena left ROli in the beautifully & romantically decorated room...

She was made to sit in the bed covering her face by the dupatta...

Meena; Roli.. hope you might have understand the facts that you are married to him and behave properly...

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