I know better medicine

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Siddhant went to take bath...

He was upset that all his plan got failed...

How good the plan was... Still as Roli said... timing missed...

Before he could do that.. ROli completed taking bath and his mother got struck without water...

Siddhant: Think beta.. think.. you can do something... 

Thinking deeply Siddhant took bath...

When he finished taking bath... he got that idea...

Siddhant was thinking... yes... that will be correct...

I will ask for towel to Roli...

Then Roli need to give me towel...

Roli loves to see me wet...

Then surely she will come herself to me...

Plan is made...

he pour some more water and made him wet completely...

Siddhant; Roli... Roli... 

He shouted calling her...

Roli just finished combing her hair and knows its some plan of Siddhant...

She ignored his call and went out of the room to kitchen... silently without making sound...

Roli: Maaji.. let me help you...

Sujatha; Ok.. cut the vegetables...

Roli sat to cut vegetables...

His calling continued...

Roli: Maaji.. it seems he is calling.. i am cutting vegetables and my hands are dirty.. can you please check what he wants...

Sujatha; Ok...

Sujatha went into the room...

Siddhant heard walking sound of someone inside the room...

Siddhant; Roli.. can you get the dry towel... i forgot to take...

Sujatha took the dry towel from the cupboard and went near bathroom...

She knock the door...

Siddhant with all eagerness open the door and found his mother standing outside...

Siddhant; Maaji... you...

Sujatha; Take the towel... Roli is busy in kitchen.. thats why i came hearing your voice...

Siddhant; Oh ok...

Siddhant took the towel and closed the door...

He knows its again Roli smartness only that she sent his mother...

Siddhant got ready & came out of the room..

He looked at Roli who was sincerely cutting vegetables...

When she looked at him with corner of eyes... 

Siddhant expressed... i know its you...

Roli expressed.. yes.. what you will do...

When these eye communication were going on...

Roli cut her finger in the knife slightly..

Roli; ooch...

Siddhant rushed towards Roli...

Siddhant; Roli... what is this.. cant you be careful...

He took her near the sink tap and washed her bleeding finger...

Sujatha gave the turmeric...

Siddhant applied the turmeric and packed the cut...

Sujatha; Roli... only few more are there.. i will take care.. you go...

Siddhant took Roli inside their room...

He made her to sit in the sofa and looked at her...

Siddhant; ROli... see you got cut... Why cant you be more cautious...

He almost got tears...

Roli; SIddhant.. its just a small cut.. nothing big...

Siddhant; So what.. is it not paining... let it be small or big... 

Roli: I know better medicine for this... which can get rid of the pain...

Siddhant; what it is...

He looked at her puzzled..

Roli hold Siddhant hands and wrapped around her...

She clasp her hand around his neck and moved towards his face...

Her eyes called him while Siddhant moved towards her lips...

Yes.. forgetting the pain... they were in their own world for a while...

After a while... when their lips moved apart...

Roli; Siddhant.. why you kissed me now...

Siddhant; Roli.. you only said.. medicine to get rid of pain...

Roli; But cut is in finger.. then why you kiss here...

She peck his lips...

Siddhant; Roli... but...

Roli; No Siddhant... this is not accepted... you are too bad...

Roli showing upset face rushed out of the room towards kitchen to help sujatha...

Siddhant; Oh God... this girl i cant understand...

Siddhant took deep breathe...

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