It's her exams

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Roli was feeling very bad...

All her tries to get closer to him went in vain...

She was unable to understand.. why he maintain distance with her...

Earlier he used to her tell.. its for her wish he wont come to her...

But now.. When Roli was trying hard to go to him... Its Siddhant who is avoiding her...

He always insisted her to concentrate on the studies...

She wont tell its wrong..

Of course he is telling for her exams only...

But can she study all the 24 hours forgetting everything.. specially forgetting Siddhant...

Is it even possible after the longing inside her heart...

But now she is used to it...

She realized he is not interested in Roli getting closer...

She stopped her tries...

Now she started concentrating fully on her studies...

Atleast she can succeed on her ambition when he is least interested on her...

Though she stopped her tries... what she can do with the longing heart towards him...

Roli took it as her aim...

She diverted all her energy towards studies...

Now their relationship itself has become just very formal...

Like biz meeting... with a formal greeting... formal gestures...

Roli was fed up with everything...

No. she is not going to get weak thinking about something which she is not getting...

Instead her studies is there in front of her...

Roli got ready for the exams...

Like Preliminary exams.. The final exam was in the city as well...

Siddhant booked the rooms and took Roli the previous night of the exams...

Roli remembered receptionist asking them whether they want decoration...

Roli looked at Siddhant...

Siddhant didn't express anything and started walking towards the room...

When entering into the room... Roli noticed he took care that its two separate single bed unlike double bed like previous time...

She kept her bag herself in the wardrobe and lay down in the bed turning side against him...

Siddhant; Roli... lets have dinner...

Roli; No.. i am not feeling hungry.. you have...

Siddhant; But you have exam tomorrow...

Roli; I know that very well.. i can handle it...

She replied without even turning towards him...

But in a while Siddhant switch off the light and lay down on the bed...

It showed he too didn't went to have dinner...

Roli was thinking.. why you too skipping dinner.. for what...

I didn't had as i got no interest.. but why you are staying hungry...

I know you cant stay hungry...

Roli got up from the bed and switch on light...

Roli; Lets have dinner.. no need to stay hungry...

Siddhant with a smile went to have dinner with Roli...

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