I can't understand this man

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Roli finished her classes...

Then came out for lunch.. While Siddhant didn't came for lunch...

Roli; Maaji.. He didn't came for lunch...

Yes.. this is the way of talk of Roli now a days...

Sujatha; Siddhant told he is doubtful to come for lunch.. as he got some work...

Roli; Then what he will do for lunch...

Sujatha; Dont know.. at times he do like this.. but not sure what he do for lunch...

Roli: How he can stay without having lunch.. shall i take lunch for him...

Sujatha: Sure Roli.. if you want to take lunch.. then you do it...

Roli took lunch in a box and started from house...

While starting.. she took a shorts & tshirt too...

Roli went to field in search of Siddhant...

Siddhant was surprised seeing Roli there...

He rushed towards her...

Siddhant; Roli.. you didn't study today.. you have come to field...

Roli: Siddhant... i completed studies.. you know i am doing that only daily.. for a change only came here...

Siddhant; But Roli.. what is the need...

Roli; Siddhant.. please...i bring food for you.. come lets have lunch..

Siddhant; I will have.. keep the bag there & go... i will have later...

Roli: But Siddhant.. i wish to have with you...

Siddhant; You mean.. you too didn't have yet...

ROli; Yes.. i didn't...

Siddhant; But i am dirty.. i need to take bath...

Roli; Ok... i will wait.. you take bath & come...

Siddhant; Ok.. wait.. i will come quick.. then you can have food and go back to study...

Roli: ok...

Siddhant was about to go...

ROli; Siddhant...

Siddhant; Hmm...

Roli... shall i take bath in the pond...

Siddhant turned towards Roli...

Siddhant; Roli.. what are you talking???

ROli; What different i told.. i just want to take bath in the pond...

Siddhant; But you know swimming...

Roli; Yes i know.. i used to go to swimming pools...

Siddhant; But Swimming pool is different from pond.. here depth will be more...

ROli; So what.. anyway.. we are going to swim in the top only right... dont worry...

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