This girl is unpredictable

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Siddhant hold Roli shoulder...

Siddhant; Roli.. dont cry... relax...

She didn't stop...

Siddhant pulled her towards him and made her lean on his shoulder...

He wrapped his hand around her and caress her back...

Siddhant; Relax Roli.. what happened.. .why you cried...

It took sometime for Roli to relax...

After a while..

Roli; Siddhant whatever you tell.. you know when the light went that day.. i hold your hand in fear... you remember i hold your hand for first time while you went removing my hand... 

Siddhant; Roli... i know its your first touch... do you think.. i was not affected with that... to avoid getting closer only i went away...

Roli; Then in the pond... how much you avoided me... you know how much i was hurt...

Siddhant; Roli.. you know how much you were disturbing me in that shorts and tshirt itself.. After that when you were wet... Roli.. i am human too... i went away not to avoid you... instead to avoid me doing something with you...

Roli; Much more much more Siddhant.. how many tries.. always you hurt me... always.. you know how much i used to cry...

Siddhant; ROli.. again.. its not me hurting you alone.. its me hurting myself by doing like that with you... but my only aim was you should get success in your exam... tell me what you finally did after so many tries which got failed...

Roli: I understood you are not interested anymore.. i diverted my concentration into studies... i started preparing for the exam...

Siddhant; Roli.. its not that.. i was not interested anymore.. instead i was interested much more.. yes.. much more on your success in your ambition.. thats why i stay away from you giving way for your success... and yes..i got its fruit.. you started concentrating on the studies...

Roli: Ok.. even in that way.. what happened after completion of exams... you cant just give excuse of my exams ok...

Siddhant; I myself was thinking to tell everything after your exams.. then only i realised.. the success didn't end with the exam.. it should go the journey of 2 more years of training... that too staying away from family...

Roli; So what...

Siddhant; Roli.. as i continued same even after exam... you thought i am not interested on you and went to training without second thought... like you concentrate on exams.. you concentrate on training too.. am i right...

Roli; True...

Siddhant; in case... if i might have told you that all these were just to make you write exam... we might have sorted the gap between us.. then how you might have went for the training leaving me.. how you might have concentrated on the training..

Roli: You know how i was when i started from here for training...

Siddhant; I know Roli.. when you asked to atleast give 2 minutes of time for you.. my wife.. you know how i was feeling.. i felt like telling you not to go anywhere... be with me inside my arms.. but how can i do that.. after crossing half the river of exam.. how can we leave crossing the river of training...

Roli: But you never ever even tried to contact me...

Siddhant; How can i Roli??? you were not using mobile.. they were not allowing to meet personally.. only once i got permission giving reason of your birthday... 

Roli; Yes.. i know you came on my birthday... but still you avoided right.. you sent my parents alone to me and came very late... 

Siddhant; No Roli.. i dropped them in the entrance and went to park the car... It was in good distance and it took time for me to come all the way walking till where we meet...

Roli; Oh.. you know how much upset i was when you were not there & i saw only my parents...

Siddhant; I know that.. they told you were not even replying them properly and asked whether they alone have come...

Roli; Yes.. when i saw you... this heart didn't hear my words and i rush to you forgetting everything... you know i wanted to hug and kiss you too...

Siddhant; Why didn't you do that... why didn't you... 

Roli; How can i.. when i thought you are not interested on me...

Siddhant; Atleast like how you did when starting from here.. you might have done it... i was craving for you Roli... You know though i tried hard to hide my feelings...i was about to tell you that 'i miss you...;  but fortunately or unfortunately you went from there without hearing my words...

Roli: Is that what you were about to tell me...

Siddhant; Yes... by the way.. did you liked my gift...

Roli; Teddy bear... first i told it... dont come to me.. i wont hug and sleep... i kept it away... but you know... i was not successful... i hug that and slept on its shoulder...

Siddhant; Now no need for you to hug any pillow or teddy... i am here the owner of your hug ok... all patents and rights of all your love to me alone...

Roli; No.. nothing doing... 

She moved away and sat on the bed...

Siddhant; What now Roli???

Roli; How much you made me to cry... i am not going to accept you...

Siddhant; Oh no.. it seems like we went back to day 1 of our marriage where you were not interested to accept me...

Roli; Yes.. it is... dont think just because you told.. you wanted me to get success in my aim.. you avoided me...  i will accept... Still you should face the punishment of hurting me...

Siddhant; Punishment we both already faced for years being away Roli...

He wrapped his hand around her waist and back hug Roli tightly...

Roli: Still.. like how you avoided me when i tried to come near you... i am going to avoid you.. thats your punishment...

She took his hand which was wrapped around her...

Siddhant; Roli... 

Roli: Lets have dinner...

Roli said and went out of the room...

Siddhant; OH Siddhant... This girl is unpredictable...

Siddhant with a smile went behind her...

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