Naughty Siddhant

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Roli was combing her hair while Siddhant came having bath wrapping towel on his waist...

He stood behind her and back hug tightly...

He kissed on her cheeks...

Siddhant; I love you...

Roli; I love you too.. 

Roli too kissed on his cheeks...

Siddhant; Roli... can you wear Saree for me...

Roli; Why not... if my Siddhant wish for it...

Roli went to wardrobe and took a saree...

She was moving towards washroom to change...

Siddhant hold her hand...

Roli: What now...

Siddhant; Are you going to change inside bathroom...

Roli; yes...

Siddhant; But Roli.. your saree may get wet...

Roli; Is it.. but i have been changing there only all these days...

Siddhant; But today you are wearing as i told.. what if you get your saree wet...

Roli; I know why this sudden concern on my saree.. i know how to wear without getting wet...

She gently hit him with the saree and rushed inside bathroom...

In a while Roli came out wearing saree...

Siddhant eyes admired her from head to toe...

He hold her hand and bring her to the mirror... 

He stood behind her...

Siddhant; Look how beautiful you look in this saree...

Roli; My Siddhant is handsome too...

Roli turned her face to admire Siddhant while Siddhant moved towards her lips...

Siddhant forward his hand towards her hip and caress the hip making her restless...

Roli moved her lips apart and hold his hand which was on her hip...

She gently hit on his hand...

Roli; Naughty... 

Siddhant; Thanks for the compliments...

He swiftly pinch her hip and moved from there with a mischief smile...

Roli with a smile followed Siddhant and came out of their room...

Sujatha placed plate for them and served breakfast...

All started having breakfast...

Sujatha looked at Roli as she was upset the previous day...

She can notice blushing Roli looking at Siddhant then & there...

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