It's her birthday

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Roli is in the training...

Initially it was difficult for her to wipe her tears and concentrate on the subject...

But she realised the truth that nothing is going to happen with tears...

When she was unable to get his love when she was with him.. what she is going to get when she is so far...

She wipe her tears and started concentrating on the training...

All her energy, time were put into the studies...

What difference it makes.. even in the village... she was only taking online course and studying.. what else...

Yes.. there.. he was beside her.. not here...

But still he was in distance only.. Earlier he was in eye reaching distance while now in more distance...

Roli gave a weird smile...

Now her aim is to atleast win the ambition of becoming police officer now...

She was not interested to give place to those painful memories and spoil her mood...

She put her full concentration on the studies...

Days were passing...

Subject training.. Physical training...

Everything was happening as per its schedule...

They were very strict and she was not allowed to use mobile...

SO she even stopped putting it to charge...

Her all time concentration was her training...

Days were moving...

Management staff came to Roli...

Staff: Mrs. Roli.. some of your relative have come to see you...

Roli; But its not allowed right...

Staff: Yes.. its not allowed in general.. but they gave request and took permission.. it seems your birthday today...

That is when Roli realised it was her birthday...

Where she can remember her birthday when she forgot to see the calendar itself...

Roli; Where are they???

Staff; In the park area... Go there and see...

Roli; Ok thanks...

Roli got up and started rushing towards the park...

Who might have come..

Is it Siddhant who has come to wish me...

Her curiosity increased...

The wish towards him which she hide all these days popped up inside her heart...

She rushed to see him...

While she can see her parents sitting in the park bench...

Meena; Roli...

Roli face turned dull...

She went near them...

Meena; Happy birthday Roli... 

Jamanlal; Happy birthday Roli...

Roli: Thanks... 

She replied without any expression...

Meena; How is training going on???

Roli; GOing well...

Meena continued asking her about her wellness.. while her face was still upset...

Finally she asked that which she cant hold anymore...

Roli; You both alone came here...

Meena; no ROli.. Siddhant too came...

ROli; Then where is he...

Meena; See there...

Meena show Siddhant who was coming towards Roli with a smile and a gift pack...

Roli didn't wait for a moment...

She got up and rushed towards Siddhant...

As soon as she went near him.. She wanted to lean on his shoulder & hug tightly...

But she didn't do that... instead she stopped from doing anything...

How can she.. while starting from home.. she took permission for doing that.. 

Siddhant; Roli.. happy birthday...

Roli: Thanks...

She told in dry tone...

Siddhant; How are you...

Roli: Very fine... look at me.. how fit & healthy i am.. 

Siddhant; How is training going on...

Roli; Very well.. 

Siddhant; Roli.. This is my birthday gift to you...

Roli: Thanks...

She took the pack...

Siddhant; Roli.. 

Roli; Its my physical training time.. let me go back.. bye...

She didn't wait to utter single word...

Roli just rushed towards the class...

Siddhant was standing with tears...

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