This man is unpredictable

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Days were passing...

Roli continued her online classes for her Preliminary exams which was nearing...

Siddhant gave his all support for her...

Sujatha took care of all the households and let Roli concentrate on the studies...

One such day...

Siddhant came with a big book...

He gave Roli that book with a smile...

Roli; OMG.. Siddhant.. how you know i was in need of this book...

Siddhant; I heard you telling about this book name yesterday.. thats why...

Roli; But it will be costly too... 

Siddhant; Not more than its requirement...

Siddhant moved from there with a smile...

Roli; This man is just unpredictable...

Roli smiled...

Exams are just in couple of days...

Courses got complete and its now Roli who need to just revise...

Roli was trying to revise the subjects...

But she was tensed...

Siddhant noticed that...

Siddhant; Roli.. why are you tensed now...

ROli; Of course.. exams are just nearing...

Siddhant; So what.. you did prepared well right...

Roli; Thats right... but still exam tension will be there right...

Siddhant; It will be there.. but i dont think its required...

Roli: Why???

Siddhant; You are doing this with your interest and did hard work too.. then you should be sure about getting success... 

Roli; Well.. thats right.. Siddhant can you help me...

Siddhant; Tell me.. what should i do...

Roli; Shall i tell these answers.. can you check whether its right...

Siddhant; Ok...

Siddhant helped her in checking whether she is answering correctly...

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