I didn't say anything

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Roli & Siddhant came to their room after dinner...

Siddhant was about to go to sofa to sleep...

Roli remembered sharing the bed in the city...

Roli; Siddhant...

He stopped...

Roli: Are you going to sleep in the sofa...

Siddhant; yes of course...

Roli; But why cant you sleep in the bed itself...

Siddhant looked at Roli to understand what she mean...

Roli; I mean.. you were sleeping in the bed only in the hotel right.. then now why you need to sleep in the sofa...

Siddhant; But Roli.. in the hotel there was no sofa.. that is why we shared the bed.. here we got sofa right...

He took couple of steps towards sofa again...

Roli; But what is wrong in sharing the bed here too...

Siddhant; its ok... i am comfortable with the sofa.. so let me sleep here itself...

Siddhant went to sofa and lay down in the sofa...

Roli looked at Siddhant with upset face...

While he doesn't seems to be disturbed at all... 

She took steps towards the bed and lay down in the bed...

She was not getting sleep... and was turning sides...

Roli: This man is a puzzle... 

She murmured...

Siddhant; Roli.. did you told anything...

Roli; What... i didn't...

Siddhant; Ok.. i felt like you told something.. thats why i asked...

Roli: As if heard when told to sleep in the bed instead of sofa...

Again she murmured...

Siddhant; Roli...

Roli: no.. i didn't tell anything...

Siddhant; Ok...

Roli: Why cant he understand.. i am used to his closeness now... 

Again same murmuring...

Siddhant; Roli.. 

Roli; Oh God.. i didn't say anything.. ok.. Good night...

Siddhant; Good night...

Siddhant said and turned against her...

Siddhant smiled...

Roli was unable to even express anything through words.. Nor was able to accept this distance between them...

its fact that the pillow was beside them.. so what.. she used to admire him till she fall asleep...

Now he is sleeping so far that it is not becoming possible...

But not sure.. how he hears when she murmur... 

It seems he got sharp ears... to listen from such distance...Or its Roli talking loudly thinking as murmuring...

Not sure.. what is the truth...

But Its fact that he steal Roli sleep for sure...

After trying very hard... Roli sat on the bed and looked around...

The pillow which was kept by Roli beside her was giving irritation now...

She took the pillow and throw it on the floor...

She took some water and drink a little...

She looked at Siddhant who was sleeping peacefully...

Roli got up and went near the window...

She looked at the sky where full moon was seen beautifully...

Roli tried to admire that beautiful moon... But not for so long...

Siddhant with a smile came in the moon and made Roli to blush...

She looked at Siddhant who was still on deep sleep without understanding the storm he created inside her...

After a while... Roli went back to the bed...

She closed her eyes while he was only disturbing her for long...

After much difficulty Roli started sleeping nearing the dawn...

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