I got only 10 days

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Siddhant wake up and looked at Roli...

She was not sleeping hugging the pillow today unlike other days...

He got up and saw the pillow thrown on the floor...

Siddhant with a smile went near that and took the pillow...

He went near her and kept beside Roli...

He took her hand and wrapped on the pillow...

Roli hug the pillow tightly even in that deep sleep...

Siddhant admired Roli for a while and went to fresh up...

Roli didn't got up today as she slept very late...

Siddhant had breakfast and went to work...

Roli got up and looked around for him...

But he was missing...

Roli fresh up swiftly and came out...

She rushed towards Sujatha...

Roli: Aunty... Siddhant went to work...

Sujatha; Yes.. he went to work already...

Roli showed upset face which was noticed by Sujatha...

Roli went back to the room and was walking here & there...

But she was feeling bored...

She think for a while and got idea...

She came out and rushed towards Sujatha...

Roli; AUnty...

Sujatha; Yes Roli...

Roli; Aunty... shall i cook today...

Sujatha; But Roli.. do you know to cook...

Roli; As such i dont know.. but wont you teach me...

Sujatha; of course i will.. come...

Roli with excitement went near her...

Sujatha strated teaching how to cook...

It was not easy for Roli to do it...

She tied her hair which was disturbing her while cooking...

She was sweating a lot... in the heat of kitchen...

Roli: Aunty.. how you cook daily...

Sujatha; We will get used to once we start doing it...

Roli; Thats right...

With all guidance of Sujatha... Roli finished preparing food...

Sujatha; Its done...

Roli: Aunty.. please dont tell Siddhant that i cook today...

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