Roli going to temple

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Siddhant went inside room while Roli was still sitting upset in the bed...

He  went near her...

Siddhant; Roli.. come lets have lunch...

Roli; No.. i am not hungry...

Siddhant with a smile sat in the bed leaving some space...

Siddhant; You are angry with me right.. why are you showing it in the food...

Roli; WHy should i be angry with you.. what you did...

Siddhant; Good i was worried you are angry with me... If that is true.. then you should come to have food.. without second thought...

Roli: When i said i am not coming to have food because i was angry with you.. instead i only said i am not feeling hungry...

Siddhant; But Roli.. your face shows you are so hungry...

Roli; What.. what is shown on my face...

she caresses her face to check...

As its true that.. her stomach was craving for food.. due to adamant only she was refusing...

Siddhant; Then what is this dullness...  which clearly shows you are hungry.. am i right...

Roli: May be.. but i am not interested...

Siddhant: If you are not interested.. dont take too much of food... but have something which can satisfy your stomach hunger...

Roli was thinking for a while...

Siddhant; Come... we should never show any of our upset, anger or whatever over food.. its not good.. whatever lets handle it...

Roli got up and started walking towards the hall...

Siddhant with a smile followed her...

They sat for having food and Sujatha served...

Though Roli pretend as if she was not hungry...

Her hunger was at its peak as she didn't had food properly the previous day as well... 

Moreover the food was tasty as well...

She put more and had eagerly...

Sujatha & Siddhant smiled looking at each other...

After food.. Siddhant went out to continue his works...While Roli was feeling bored...

How long she can look around the four walls and stay inside house...

She hardly push time till evening...

By evening... Roli came out of the room...

She went to Sujatha...

Roli: Aunty.. what is there in this village to look around...

Sujatha; Roli.. this is village... we will have field only at all the sides...

Roli; There is nothing other than fields here... 

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