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I changed back into my clothes in the dressing room. I just wrapped up another photoshoot and I have to admit, at first I was kind of iffy about it but now I love doing them. The director was waiting outside of my dressing room when I walked out.

"Today was great. You did really good. These edits will be up in Forever21 in about 2 weeks so be on the lookout for that." He smiled. "And everything you wore today, you get to keep." He handed me a duffle bag to put the clothes in.

"Thank you." I smiled

"No problem. We'll definitely be reaching out in the future." He winked and walked away.

I stepped back inside the dressing room and stuffed the bag with clothes before leaving. I tossed the bag into my back seat and started the car. I'm meeting Diamond, Zo and Mina at the mall today. Mina came up here to pack up her stuff and today was the only day I would be able to see her.

I found a park near the entrance of the mall and I made my way inside. I spotted Zo standing by American Eagle.

"Look who it is." Diamond spoke loudly and pointed behind her

I looked up and my face was the first thing you saw when entering the store. I smiled widely and began to blush.

"That's crazy." I shook my head

"Ya'll that's my friend right there." Zo spoke to random people as they came into the store.

"I'm proud of you." Mina smiled and poked my shoulder

"Thank you." I returned the smile

We walked around the mall going into various stores. I didn't really buy anything but some panties from Victoria Secret. We headed towards the food court and I saw my dad walking by. He didn't see me because he was talking to my mom but she spotted me and stopped walking.

Once my dad figured out what she was looking at, he walked over to me.

"Hey babygirl." He smiled.


"How have you been?" He asked as my mother still just stood there.

"Good. Working hard."

"I know. We saw you in that store back there." He pointed. "It looked nice."


"We're having dinner tonight," my mother finally spoke. "You should come. You can bring your boyfriend as well."

I nodded. "I'll mention it to him and see what he says."

We said our goodbyes and they walked away.

"Awkward." Zo walked over to where I was standing.

"As fuck." I sighed. "My mother acts like she doesn't even want to talk to me. She's really gonna lose her shit when she finds out I'm not enrolled in college and classes start in two weeks."

"Girl bye." Zo linked his arm with mine as we continued to the food court. "College is not everything and it isn't for everybody. Look at you now, you're a model and got your face in stores and didn't need a college degree to do it."

"I know but I just hate disappointing my parents."

"Disappointments are going to happen. You can't avoid it. I get that you want to do right by them but what about what Kayla wants?" Diamond spoke. "You could go out here, become a doctor but I bet you'll be miserable every single day you work. You know why? Because it's not what you truly want to do."

Teenage Love Affair | Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now