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When I first met him, when I sent him a text over my old friends Ali phone, I felt a spark. Like I was meant to send that text to him. I somehow knew he'd be something more someone important. I would see him him in health, somedays it was hard to not stare at him. Me and Carter somehow clicked, he became one of my close friends. I have never regretted speaking to him. He was there for me at the start. My biggest mistake was something I did to him. I wish I never did it because we could've been together sooner. I knew, I knew I was head over heels for him but I hurt him for three months. I just can't take that time back. 

The night I realized I loved him, is a night I will never forget. I was jsut getting into a bath because I was stressed. The Carter sent me a snap and right away my heart had a hundred butterflies. Then I opened it. He said what if he liked someone else. I felt my heart crumble, I started crying and I didn't have a real cry like that for years. Later that night when I woke up, my eyes burned and I realized why I was so hurt. I fell in love with my best friend and I mean how could I not have? He was everything a girl could ask for. He was perfect, later that night he apoligized saying it didnt feel right to say that. A month later I became the happiest girl when I started dating. Before we made it official, we had our first kiss and it was perfect. Better then perfect. Carter was there for me always unlike Braxton. I had to break up with him for Carter. He was the healthier choice. He was the first guy I ever cried infront of. He held me in his arms, treating me like his princess. 

Before him I was the most negative, angry person. I was always stressed and depressed. Cutting and burning my flesh. But he helped me reach a place that I could call happiness. He spun me around and I saw the world through his eyes, that changed my whole life and my view. Carter is the only one that I feel comfortable with. He has never judged me for anything. He loves everything about me and that includes my scars. Carter is different from any guy I've ever met. His love for classic rock, country, and even his crave for hunting. He still gets to claim my heart. 

This guy is mine and I don't want anyone else. Carter has the sweetest heart and he's full of energy, I'm lucky enough to explore our life together. He has the biggest heart that one can have. I use to wonder if he still talks to that girl he had a thing for but I know it doesn't matter, because I'm the one that got the prize. I trust him with my life and he knows that. He's the love of my life who happens to think the same of me. 

He's not just any guy, he makes me feel special and important. No one else can make me feel that way. Carter makes sure to Facetime me every night and we'll fall asleep with each other on the phone. 

The only person who can make me smile just by saying, "Don't smile". He knows it too. Anytime we go to the movies I usually fall asleep. So he's basically paying for me to take a nap. But I will never forget the time I made him go on a double date to the movies with a friend and a guy she was seeing. Carter didn't complain once, that's the most amazing selfless thing someone can do.  Carter changed everything for me, most guys put up a fight to not do something but he understands sacrifice for a relationship. 

I never thought I'd be the type of girl to actually find someone I love and not needing to lie about it. To constantly have them in my head, to always finding the need to worry about them. To have someone who actually cares and respects me. I was never really happy until I learned to open up to Carter. I always looked at the world so negativly but Carter always told me to look at the positive side. He taught me to find happiness in everything. He makes sure that I never go to bed mad or sad. He'll cheet me up even if I say I don't want to be happy at that moment. He does everything for me. 

Carter, he's a guy who holds my heart. He's always there to help me stay clam when I'm at my breaking point. He sends me the sweetest text. He knows that hoodies, blankets, cuddles, and kisses to cheer me up. All I want is for him to be happy. He deserves everything in this world. Carter doesn't have a cruel bone, he is the sweetest most open hearted man. I'm not even sure how I was able to land me such an amazing guy. He fills my heart with happiness, I don't understand how one can be so perfect. I can't help but to smile when I see him. The necklace that he gave me fot my 15th birthday, hasn't left my chest. It rest there everyday, I've only taken it off once. 

I wear his hoodie anytime I miss him or when I'm cold or even sad. I asked him one night why we didn't date sooner. His reply was, "I wanted to make sure that you were the one." I couldn't stop smiling because of that. Usually commitment runs me off faster then anything. But it's different when it comes to him. He makes me truly happy and thats why I love him.

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