Im in Love

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I know that we've made a few mistakes and that we've both said things but we've never really fought. I want Carter to be happier then anything because he deserves it. He has turned into my whole my whole world, he's always been there for me and I am so thankful for that. He's shown me so much love and affection. No one has never met more to me, I actually love him and I want to have a future with him. I never thought I would find someone I would love, actually love with all my heart. Wanting nothing more then just him because he is the most perfect guy in this whole world. He's the one that keeps me stable, he's the one that one day I will wake up and see every day. 

Carter is everything from supportive to being a huge goofball. He was the only one there for me. He was the one who held me and supported me. He made sure that I was safe and okay. Carter wiped away my tears and he stayed up with me late at night when I couldn't fall asleep. He stayed patient with me through everything. He stayed with me even though that a whole year of our relationship had to go through this huge mess because I was mentally broken. Thats how I know that he loves me. When he kisses me, it makes everything better. Even if it only last when I can hear his voice, it still helps me. I love him with everything. I'm still crazy for him, it still feels like we just started dating. Thats what makes him so special. 

Ever since we started dating we have put each other first though I think he should put his family, school, and future first but he would just say that I am two of the three. He has taken away so much pain and I am so thankful that I had him through this year, if I didn't I honestly don't think I would be alive. He was always helped me, I know I've said that a lot but I can't even put it into words of how much he has helped me. I want the best for him. 

Carter is what makes me happy. I just don't care who knows anymore. All I could wish for now, is to have the type of friends who support us and care. But all I get are my "Friends" trying to pick a fight with him for absolutly no reasoning. Like the show Friends, they always support each other. They show love and support, but it's okay that I don't get that from my friends because I get it from Carter. 

The more we hangout the more I get to figure out how much of an amazing guy he is to me. Always when I think I know everything about him, he turns around to surprise me even more. The best thing is that he always knows what I like. From his sweet personality, to his amazing back rubs, he's perfect. He amazes me more and more when he shows who he is. They way how he can be so sweet and caring. Strong, with his happy thoughts always to roam his head. He's the only one that makes me happy with the simple smirk he has. This is the guy with the ability to do anything. The most charming of them all, the one to always be brave and strong. Always there to hold me tight through any of my hard times. How can he be everything I want and all in just one person? My lofe is so much more amazing with his warm heart. This is the guy I want in my future, I need him in my life. The only person in my thoughts, the only one I think about, the only guy I want, and he's all mine. 

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