Coming Out

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I reported Cody, it took weeks before I decided to come up with the courage to report what Cody did. I knew exactly how I was going to do it, write about it and leaving the letter in my teachers room. It didn't take long before I was sent to the office to talk about it. I had to talk to the counselor and the cop, he even recored our conversation. 

The cop called my dad and told him. When I got home, I had hell waiting for me. My dad spent the night screaming and yelling at me, blaming me and saying it was my fault. My own father...

I won't go into to much detail those months were the hardest, it was painful. I was crying myself to sleep, waking up with nightmares and unable to breath. I hid my emotions from friends and Carter. Sure me and Carter talked about it but I made sure not to cry. I hate crying infront of people, I don't care if it's even out of happiness. 

I'm sorry that this isn't long but I don't want to revisit this part of my sophomore year. All I need to say is that, I lost my sister over it, my relationship with my father and all my friends. 

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