1. Little One

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"You should-"

She groaned as the maid pulled her corset tighter.

"start getting-"

It was awful really, it always is to watch. I can't even begin to imagine what it must feel like.

"ready for the day, Remiul."

With one final pull, one that nearly caused Arabella to fall, she was done and started to tie it in an elegant bow.

I stood up from my comfortable bed, wishing I could stay in longer, longing for the breakfast in bed we used to share before we got married.

Everything had changed, however, when my father made the announcement that he'd be retiring the crown soon and handing it off to me. That meant I had to start lessons on all the responsibilities that would be passed down to me, as king, and Arabella, as queen.

So no more sleeping in, going on romantic getaways, or sneaking off to the lake. It was all royal training for Arabella and I. She would mostly be the one to handle the task of caring for our son, Asher.

I grabbed my little prince out of his crib and started tossing him lightly in the air, always catching him. I began to grin as Asher smiled widely, showing his toothless mouth, and giggled so innocently. It was the most adorable thing I've ever seen.

"Remiul, are you listening to me?"

Arabella waved her hand in front of my face.

I knew that the stress of all of this has been getting to her. Ever since she'd been informed that she was to be queen soon she's been infatuated in all of the royal business. She had gotten a little bit more uptight and could hardly have much fun anymore. I know that, soon enough, she'll go back to her usual self once she's reassured that she'll be the most adored queen to ever rule. In the meantime I'll support her no matter what.

"Yes, my love. I'll get right on it."I told her. She gave me a pitiful smile.

"I'm sorry, Rem. It's just that we have a lot of finishing touches we need to do before the event tomorrow and I want it to be perfect because it's the first time we're gonna formally introduce ourselves." She explained.

We had been working on this event for months. It's called 'The Young Royals' Ball' and it's where all the young prince and princesses 19 years of age meet each other and, for some, find their match. It's part of the tradition that when the next king and queen are deemed ready, they are to host the event. It's considered a test to see wether they are the rightful holders of the crown. No one has ever failed this test but Arabella still worries immensely, which I love about her.

"I understand."

I put Asher back in his crib and made my way to Arabella. Pamela, the maid, took a step back.

I placed my hands on Arabella's hips.

"As long as you and I are together, we will succeed, you understand?"

I looked her deep in her forest green eyes as she did mine, searching for wether or not I told the truth.

I took my right hand of her hip and took her hand, giving it a gentle kiss. Once I had completed that, she wrapped her arms around my torso, making me feel as if I was the one wearing the corset.

"Promise me, darling. Promise you'll always be there for me."she pleaded, her voice high- pitched. My heart squeezed in my chest, wanting nothing more than to take away all the stress than she's feeling. I rubbed her back, trying to comfort her.

"I promise I'll always be here for you. No matter what."

When I said it I truly meant it.

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