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Update 💕💕

"Not exactly, no." Jungkook shrugged after Hoseok teased him.
"But we thought -" Jin pouted.
"Actually, I don't know how I feel about him. I do like him but I don't know if I like him." Jungkook explained.
"I'm really drawn to him. I feel like... I need to be around him. I have felt that since the day I saw him crying." Jungkook said softly.

"Crying?" Yoongi arched an eyebrow and they all sat down to talk. Jungkook didn't want to dish out too much to his hyungs but he wanted to tell them limited things, because maybe they could give him some advice on how to handle things.

"Yeah. He was very upset, he was out on the terrace crying and I just happened to reach there. He looked so defeated, hyung. I didn't like it. I was scared he'd fall so I went there to support him, he cried on my shoulder and since then... I've been feeling so protective of him." Jungkook said.
" He's incredibly handsome and everything but that's not why I'm drawn to him. I feel like he needs someone. Anyone. " Jungkook recalled Jimin's words.
" And you think you can be that person? " Namjoon smiled.

" I don't know. I hope so. I want to be." Jungkook answered honestly. The boys smiled at their maknae, he was always looking out for people.
"Do you think he'll let you be that person? He seems very reserved right now. You need to get him to open up some more." Yoongi ruffled his hair and Jungkook nodded.

Jungkook wanted to be around Jimin but he was hoping Jimin wouldn't shy away from him after thanking him.

Jimin lay in his bed, around 1:30 after texting Jungkook and reading his reply.
"Done :D" said the text but Jimin once again began feeling like he was being a bother.

Maybe it was just coincidence that Jungkook happened to be in the same place as him that day and how he was just being polite by not shooing Jimin away.

Jimin rubbed his face and sat up angrily. He was upset with himself. He wanted to move ahead in life, make new friends and the vibe he got from Jungkook was so positive. He didn't want to fuck it up because of his own overthinking.

He walked around restlessly trying to convince himself he wasn't a bother but the more he tried the worse it got for him. He sat on the couch and ran his hand through his hair.

Was he just meant to feel this way all the time? He tried harder and finally he began gaining control but not as much as he wanted to.

It was about 3am now. And all Jimin could think about was Jungkook. He smiled subconsciously as he thought of him.

He wasn't the kind to intrude although he had seen Jimin at one of his worst and weakest points in life. But he wasn't trying to know anything about that night, he just cared about today. It meant so much to Jimin.

Somebody was willing to move past all the sadness and pain and was just curious about what he did during his day. Amazing, was the word. Everyone needed a Jungkook in their lives, Jimin smiled at the thought and went to bed around 5am.


May not seem a lot but for Jimin 4 hours of sleep was decent. He'd barely sleep more than 2 hours because of how much he would think.

Jimin had to travel the same day for 3 days. He was going to Busan for some work. Although his family was there in Busan, he wasn't going to meet them. Work plus the way Jimin had become over the years, he didn't want to.

He packed his stuff and headed for the airport where he was going to meet Taehyung and few other employees. He again felt that anxiety hit but this time he convinced himself he was going to be fine.

And did feel better. He thought of being more open to conversations rather than just running away from people.

He reached the airport and Taehyung hugged him and gave him and big smile. Jimin smiled back.
"Ready to go home?" Taehyung beamed.
"Um.yeah.."Jimin avoided eye contact. He didn't want to think about home.

They boarded their flight and Taehyung was seated next to him. Jimin closed his eyes and sat silently. Taehyung looked at him endearingly. He really wanted to be around Jimin and help him be more social but he was too scared to say too much.

Once they made it to Busan they checked into a hotel.
"You aren't going home?" Taehyung suddenly asked Jimin in the elevator and once again Jimin felt like someone was probing too much clearly in areas he didn't want to talk about.
"No." Jimin said in snappy tone then sighed.

"I'm sorry, Taehyung. I just...I don't want to go home." Jimin tried to give him a hint.
"Why not?" Taehyung asked as a response.
"Because I don't." Jimin felt anxious and then they reached their floor. Jimin rushed out of the elevator and went straight to his room.

He sat on the bed and began crying. Being in his hometown was already enough pressure and Taehyung had unknowingly probed too much.

Jimin knew he meant well but this behaviour really bothered him for some reason. It gave him this ugly squeeze in his heart, it made him feel ashamed of who he was. But Jimin quickly tried to drive those thoughts away by thinking of things that made him happy.

He closed his eyes to visualise and the image of his family, music and Jungkook. Jimin opened his eyes suddenly when Jungkook popped into his head.

"Seriously?"Jimin said to himself as he fell onto the soft mattress.

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